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How deep is AI integrated in your work already?

Hi all!


For about 15 months now, I've been using artificial intelligence almost daily, delving deeply into various processes and tools related to content creation, as this is my area of expertise.


As of today, I have updated processes in my work thanks to artificial intelligence, and recently, I've also introduced a brand new service that is currently very 'hot,' especially among enterprise clients.


Do you use AI, but not just occasionally to have CHAT GPT generate a summary for you, but as an integral part of your work?


Best regards, Stan


P.S. I have my mini-course here on Upwork, which is about AI in video production. Feel free to dive into it.  https://community.upwork.com/t5/Learn-from-Experts/Using-AI-to-generate-video-content/ba-p/1368124

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I use it daily in some form or fashion. I'm starting to learn how to create my own AI tool. For a non-techincal types like me its exciting to learn new skills

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Thanks for the comment Richard. 


There are some new tools that allow you to build no-code AI tools or agents.

Here is one that I landed on recently - https://flowiseai.com/

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Thank you for your information.

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I use paid versions of ChatGPT, Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot.


As a AI business strategist, my clients hire me specifically for my AI business knowledge.

Now the future is AI-based. the future strong language will be English.

Thanks for the answer William. 


I'm curious to know - do most of your clients come with a defined requirements or it's more of "What we can do with AI"? 


As what I see from my side is that clients are just curious to dive into exploration phase with Gen AI and not all the time they have the clear project brief/task yet.  I'm in the creative industry so this makes sense for my industry, but wanted to see if it's a common thing.  Thank you.  

I always start with a Consultation and some of those clients move to Projects. Rarely in 27 years of freelancing have my clients known their true requirements which is why I get contacted. Business strategy affects their whole company not just a specific or isolated project.

Community Member

Thank you for your information