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Toribio's avatar
Toribio M Community Member

Bad Review during UpWork ID Verification Process

Hi! My name is Tori, I run an agency called **Edited for Community Guidelines**

I started an hourly contract with a client for an agency member called **Edited for Community Guidelines**. Unfortunately, as soon as we started the contract, Upwork started an ID Verification process on **Edited for Community Guidelines**account, not allowing her to enter her account and bill the hours of her work. **Edited for Community Guidelines**was unable to enter her account for about 48 hours, making the client close the contract before we even started working on it. This seriously affected my JSS and reputation as an agency, for something that was really out of my reach.

Is there anyway upwork could revise the situation, and maybe delete/take out this last contract that affected my JSS so much?

Goran's avatar
Goran V Retired Team Member

Hi Toribio,


Unfortunately I can't share details for another user with you. But, rest assured our team has reached out to your client to assist them further with their account. Thank you.

~ Goran
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