Jul 29, 2020 05:29:38 PM Edited Aug 18, 2020 08:06:05 AM by Valeria K
I have been contacted by a group called **Edited for Community Guidelines**. They are setting off my Spidey Sense, anyone ever hear of them ?
Jul 29, 2020 05:50:13 PM Edited Aug 18, 2020 08:06:22 AM by Valeria K
Hey Bruce,
They claim to be a Private Intelligence Agency.
Their website is **Edited for Community Guidelines**
Some of my technology clients have worked with them.
Jul 29, 2020 06:02:54 PM by Joanne P
Hi Bruce,
It looks like you are referring to receiving an invitation from an agency. The only way to join an agency is to be invited by an agency administrator. Your relationship with them is managed privately outside of Upwork. For more information about joining an agency, you may want to read through this help article. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you.