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Freelancer vs. agency / multiple countries


I've just registered for an account with Upwork, but I'm very confused about the set-up re agency and freelancer, specifically regarding countries and location. 

I have an established freelance writing business (10 years +) in country A, but live and am tax resident in country B. For me, it would be much easier to run all of my Upwork work through my business in country A, but I understand I should be registered here in my country of residence. 


I've just been round and round and round on the AI support chat but got absolutely nowhere. 


I asked my company accountant (country A) and she thought it made more sense logistically to run everything through my business, but I'm not sure that's correct for Upwork (I've read you should register in your country of residence). 


My business bank accounts are all based in country A and registered to that address. But if I freelance through country B, does that mean I can't use my business accounts and need to keep all accounts and expenses separate? Which gets very confusing... 


Would it be easier to set up an agency account in country A and be the sole worker for that agency? (I have other work off Upwork as well.) Can I do it like that then it all goes through my business? What are the pros and cons? Does anybody have any experience with this? 

Thanks, Jo 



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