Nov 26, 2024 11:12:40 PM by Rocio B
I recently created an agency to share the workload with my husband, as I was overwhelmed with too many contracts. I read that an agency could make it easier to divide tasks.
I have a question: Is it possible for my husband to work on an agency project using the agency's time tracker while I work on my computer with my freelancer profile on another client, but both using my account?
I searched through all the help documentation but couldn’t find specific information about how to work with an agency's time tracker. I don’t want to risk any penalties, as I understand it’s not allowed to have the time tracker running on two devices simultaneously.
Additionally, my husband registered on Upwork, but I can’t add him to the agency because I need the Plus subscription. Is there an alternative way to add him to the agency so he can use his own time tracker from his profile but still be linked to the agency?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Nov 27, 2024 04:37:45 AM by Adam P