Jan 24, 2018 05:41:39 AM Edited Jan 24, 2018 06:01:26 AM by Goran V
I am currently attempting to hire someone who claims to have done work on up work and i was hoping if i provided their name that someone could indeed verify that they have offered and sold services on this platform. They name is **Edited for Community Guidelines** from Moscow. Thank you so much. attachted is a picture
**Edited for Community Guidelines**
Jan 24, 2018 06:06:29 AM by Goran V
Hi Kurt,
Your freelancer can send you their profile link and you will be able to review their history of finished projects and the feedback that is left on those projects.
If you have more questions about private details let me know and our customer support will contact you directly.
If you would like to learn more about Upwork and how everything works check out this guides: Getting the Most Out of Upwork and Client Tutorial Videos.