Jul 20, 2022 05:57:31 AM by Roy S
I am a client on Upwork and I can not hire any freelancers.
The reason is that in my payment method I have a Paypal account is no good, and It does not let me delete it, neither is there an option to add a bank account as I have in my Freelancer account.
I would at least like to switch my PayPal account for another one.
What can I do?
Jul 20, 2022 07:09:29 AM by Nikola S
Hi Roy,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Only an alternative billing method may be removed. To remove a primary billing method, add an alternative billing method, then set it as your primary billing method. To change, edit, or remove a billing method go to Settings > Billing Methods. You can find more information in this help article.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
Jul 20, 2022 07:12:14 AM by Roy S
Hi there, so I can not do any of those options.
1-There is no add bank acount as a billing method,
2-It will not let me add a new paypal billing method eaither.