Jun 1, 2016 03:57:38 AM by April L
Hi guys,
Do all of the applicants to your job posts ask to skype?
I always post simple jobs, and lots of the applicants ask to skype without even saying hello!
Are they trying to change the terms of the contract, or do you think this is genuine and they want to discuss?
I have had misex experiences, some have been fine on skype, and others have asked for more money directly.
Would love your opinions!
Jun 10, 2016 07:43:30 AM by Andrew H
I freelance and hire on Upwork. When I submit proposals for work I neither request Skype info nor do I offer my own. Is it not a violation of TOS to to do so in the initial RFP? I must say, however, over the years I've had plenty of clients respond asking ME to hook up with them on Skype to further discuss their projects. In some cases it's absolutely crucial, because the client has been unable to clearly expound their needs. And I think we all agree, there's nothing more bothersome than a project that goes sideways due to poor communication. I agree it's in poor taste and highly unprofessional to insist on Skype conversations in the initial RFP...not to mention a violation of TOS as I understand it. On those rare occasions when I see a particular job that piques my interest, but the description is vague, I will ask specific questions and inform the prospective client that I am available on Skype should they feel more comfortable talking about their needs in person. I DO NOT, however, post my Skype ID. On the flip side, some of those clients who immediately respond by insisting on a Skype conference either want to take the job off platform, or whittle down my rate. In both cases it's a sure bet they won't remain Skype contacts for very long.
When I've hired for projects I have received the occasional Skype request from freelancers. They're mostly non-western culture applicants and seem overly eager to get work...any work.
These are challenging times. In a matter of weeks, we're all going to face a huge rate hike. Plus, recent changes removing transparency in job postings have already made vetting of clients even more difficult. So, don't be too surprised when the less experienced and uninitiated freelancers push for Skype conversations as a way to gain some kind of competitive edge...at least in their minds.
Mar 1, 2021 11:40:54 PM by Jennifer R
I really like this, I came across this post because I googled it, I however when asked for Sykpe now tell the client only in writing or I will charge. I have had many clients discuss things with me that were irrelevant, wasted several hours time I did not get paid for and if they were job relevant could have been solved in one email. I have been jibbed by clients enough to not deal with them anymore unless in writing, so I don't think Joachim was necessarily wrong here. I see his point 100% because I am the freelancer, not the client, in this scenario.
Jun 10, 2016 09:31:19 AM by Lisa F
I personally don't like when clients ask to Skype either. I bid on a job the other night; it was a VERY simple job and one I have done before and recently with feedback to prove it. I am on my way to bed at 11:30 pm and receive a request to Skype. Since it is well outside of my business hours, I decided I would respond in the morning.
When I checked at 5:00 am another freelancer had been hired so obviously this client expected to Skype immediately.
There are some jobs that I don't see why there is a need to Skype and certainly not at 11:00 at night.