Aug 1, 2024 03:55:37 PM by Kevin T
I have a project set up with a large final milestone. I would like to release a small % of this milestone now (and keep the rest as is for the end of the project).
Is this possible? I don't want a partial refund/cancel the project. Freelancer is doing fine, they asked for a small payment and I'd like to oblidge if possible.
Is there a way to release ~20% of a final milestone, while keeping the rest for final delivery?
Cheers and thanks,
Aug 1, 2024 08:11:23 PM by Ivygail J
Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your message. The “Add or Edit Milestones” button makes it easy for clients to add, edit, and reorder upcoming milestones on active contracts. Once you click the button, you will see a screen with a list of contract milestones and can make one or multiple changes to upcoming milestones without having to submit each change individually. You will also be able to reorder upcoming milestones using the drag-and-drop capability on the left side of each milestone. Let me know if you need further assistance.
Aug 3, 2024 08:10:16 PM by Kevin T
But with the FINAL DELIVERY milestone active and funded, I cant create a new milestone and move it above the current milestone.
It's still the same issue of not being able to release part of the milestone that's already active and funded.
Current milestone is locked:
Aug 3, 2024 11:36:06 PM Edited Aug 3, 2024 11:37:17 PM by Pradeep H
Hi Kevin,
By design, you cannot move a new milestone above the active and funded milestone. However, you have the option to make a partial payment on the active milestone and create a new milestone to continue with the contract. After the partial payment is made, your active milestone will be closed, and the remaining funds in escrow can be used to fund the new milestone.
- Pradeep
Aug 4, 2024 04:52:36 PM by Kevin T
Okay, would you be able to tell me exactly how to do that? I don't want to start going down the "Approve Milestone" path and accidentally pay it all 😅
Aug 4, 2024 12:56:54 AM by Humaira B
Hey I'm new at upwork kindly tell me If i do work with you then what is the payment of the work and where I received my payment
Aug 6, 2024 03:28:03 PM by Kabeer A
hey humaria you need to bid on the projects you think you are capable of doing and once you get offer and start working on project . if you need any help on how to get the best out of upwork and how to land your first job on upwork you can always reach out to me for the help