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how to private my "clients Recent History"

Upwork really needs a feature where you can private your client recent history. Competitors are spying on my account and see who I Hire, then message those freelancers and try to gain information from them about my operations. This is ridiculuous, and I Cant believe there is no solution for it. 

I Even tested it and made a second account and searched my profile  , and boom I Can see all people ive hired, etc ... 

Really need a way to fix this, does anyone know what I Can do? 

Community Member

Nothing. No option for.

thats not fair at all. really making me dislike upwork because of this... such a simple feature to implement, and as a client why would I ever want someone to see who i've hired it should be a option if you want to private it. 

It does help freelancers see your past interactions and history, which can be a deciding factor in whether or not to bid for your job, but yes that should only be available when you actually post a job rather than public at all times, at least you should be able to just show the summary

Why would you want to hide it? People applying for contracts with you will want to see how you have been reviewed in the past.   I stay away from anyone who does not have good reviews.  I also stay away from those who have non as 9 times out of 10 these are scammers.

I understand your issue. Freelancers work for many people and competition is stiff.  Thousands of applicants are applying for the same job and it's hard to go through all of them. UpWork has not figured out a great way to vet freelancers I assume on the client side. I am not a client, so I am not sure what your interface looks like when clients search for freelancers. 



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Have an NDA & ask all your freelancers to SIGN it before you start a contract with them. 
Add a bullet explaining that this is a highly confidential contract & you are NOT ALLOWED TO EVEN DISCUSS it with your potential clients. 
No reference, No usage in the portfolio & even ask them not to mention work details in feedback. 

It works.
Most freelancers respect and follow NDA conditions.

Community Member

That's really a good suggestion for both clients and freelancers. Currently, I am working with a client who signed an NDA with me, and I happily signed it because of scamming, so everything is going well.

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I believe if you are building the idea which you believe is copyright to you than you must take all necessary regulation in consideration. I believe you must take necessary steps like patenting, copyright and other aspects into consideration.


However probablities are likely that what you have thought it might be in some form being worked by someone else on the planet. So I believe you can get the research and feasiblity study done for your idea and get it patented at earliest.

Community Member

Totally agreed. Unless the job is done, it should be hidden. I had 1 freelancer text me because he saw he lost the bid to another freelancer. It's unnecessary. 

Community Member

Wow, a feature that I like to use to access the likelihood of working with the client using past reviews.

I think Upwork no longer allows searching for people (I have not seen such in operation though).

But yeah, maybe upwork can use random IDs to show freelancers name, so that competitors won't be able to search for them. While for the client work history, please Upwork should consider those of us that are real and professional, so we don't waste our time and connect on fake jobs.

Community Member

Maybe the Freelancer Plus membership has this option. It allows to keep earnings private.

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