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Innovative Volunteer Programs

I'm setting up one to teach sign language to the blind. How about your ideas?

Community Member

Unless I'm missing something, this must surely be one way communication. I mean, how will the "listener" know what the "speaker" is saying if he (the listener) can't see? 

I must be missing something too. How on earth are the blind/deaf supposed to communicate without signing? 


There are several tactile sign languages, including one closely related to ASL.



Community Member

I think (?) Bill is trying to make a joke.


Actually, you can do it.  The signer has to spell every word into the hand of the blind person.  Think Helen Keller who was both deaf and blind.

Wow, Mary! Thanks for sharing that. I never thought it could be done until you pointed it out and I was like "Of course!"

I remembered this video because of your comment, Mary. 🙂 

~ Avery

@Mary W wrote:

Actually, you can do it.  The signer has to spell every word into the hand of the blind person.  Think Helen Keller who was both deaf and blind.

 I stand corrected..

Yes, Bill was joking. I have a dry sense of humor; most people describe it as arid. No-hole salt shaker is good.

Community Member

@Bill H wrote:

I'm setting up one to teach sign language to the blind. How about your ideas?

I'm into something for-profit oriented. I was thinking about selling holeless salt-shakers, for people who want to reduce their consumption of salt, I don't know.

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