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What are your hobbies? do you have any?

Hi Upworkers,


Do you guys have any hobbies to ascape the work and pressure of life.



I don't have much background in the topic, but I enjoy history and cultures and I read a lot about it.

Yes, the art and history is very interesting.


Community Member

Yes of course. Traveling and exploring new places. Having s passion for bikes, I go on bike for one day trips to any adventurous place at least once in three months, this way take a break from my job routine. 

Community Member

Wow bikes are some of the best hobbies...I feel

It sounds like you have a fantastic way to break the routine and add excitement to your life ,Traveling and exploring new places on your bike must be an incredible adventure.

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Indeed, I have tried it before and it is very useful

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Hi rafik 

My cherished passion is indulging in video games, my ultimate refuge from the rigors of work and the relentless demands of life 

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Hello Abderrahmane

Absolutely agree! Video games offer a delightful escape, allowing us to recharge and find joy in the midst of life's challenges 

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But it should not be overdone

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Thought, I should mention playing Video games for a longtime can really hurt your brain power. just be smart about it.

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sure ..

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Bowling and billiard.


Drawing and coloring. 

Walking - especially in the woods -.


It might not sound true, but enjoying your hobbies is a great way to keep balanced, and this benefits your health!

Cheers! :national_park:️

Community Member

you have a lot of hobbies, happy for you.


I do agree

Can you do all this?
What about time? Do you have enough time?

Community Member

If she organizes her time, she can do it

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I love being the assistant coach to my daughter's softball team. 😁

That's wonderful ,Coaching your daughter's can be an incredibly rewarding experience 

We lack such mothers in our time 👋 Hat for you lady kate W 🎩

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Watching fav. Tv shows. 

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What is your prefered TV. Show?

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Currently there are so much contents to watch on TV,  that you could easily spend rest of your life sitting infront of your TV (aka idiot box).  
Just make this something that you do only for limited time for recreation,  do not make it a hobby,  it doesnt take you anywhere.

Great choice

Community Member

Yes, Traveling, reading and swimming.

Community Member

Nice hobbies 😄 Traveling, reading, and swimming offer a great balance of adventure, knowledge, and relaxation. Any favorite destinations, books, or memorable swimming spots you'd recommend? Sharing tips and stories is always fun

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