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Why nobody answers on my proposals

Why nobody answers on my proposals?

I mean, I have a great portfolio, my profile is it's almost 100%. I make offers (normal or low price) on demo work sometimes but nobody answers. Even just to no word like - "thanks" or "I don't like it". I really don't understand.


Thanksfor advance!


Michael and Sergio already addressed the issue of rate. Their advices are extremely valuable and try to fully follow them. Also, be alert to the number of proposals you're sending out. You could check these threads for more information: 1) https://community.upwork.com/t5/Announcements/Addressing-accounts-that-don-t-show-work-activity/td-p... 2) https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Avoid-suspension-for-too-many-proposals-How/m-p/308812 . Personally, I keep no more than 6 active proposals and usually cancel them after 3-5 (could be 7 as well) days of inactivity. I can't say for sure that this is the best approach, I've still got a lot of research to do about that. Finally, be patient. It's extremely difficult but you're going to make it considering the quality of the services you're offering. Keep it up and be consistent.

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Hey Max
The portfolio looks great, it's really impressive (unlike mine ๐Ÿ˜ž ). Maybe it's about your actual proposals. Have you tried any of these tips? 1) https://www.upwork.com/hiring/for-freelancers/how-to-create-a-proposal-that-wins-jobs/ 2) https://freelancetowin.com/upwork-proposal-mistakes/

thank's for the Tips)

I've already making this mistakes))))

Will try working on...


P.S. But the rate of video editing is so cheap... didn't get used to it.

Michael and Sergio already addressed the issue of rate. Their advices are extremely valuable and try to fully follow them. Also, be alert to the number of proposals you're sending out. You could check these threads for more information: 1) https://community.upwork.com/t5/Announcements/Addressing-accounts-that-don-t-show-work-activity/td-p... 2) https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/Avoid-suspension-for-too-many-proposals-How/m-p/308812 . Personally, I keep no more than 6 active proposals and usually cancel them after 3-5 (could be 7 as well) days of inactivity. I can't say for sure that this is the best approach, I've still got a lot of research to do about that. Finally, be patient. It's extremely difficult but you're going to make it considering the quality of the services you're offering. Keep it up and be consistent.

The same problem how can I sell it please help me
Community Member

That's just the way it is, really. Just like going out and applying for a job or sending in a resume/application, unless they want to talk to you, clients and employers won't say anything. They generally don't have time to give a personal reply to everyone they're passing over, especially if they get a large number of applicants.

Also (making a new reply since the forum likes to eat posts if they're edited)...


Don't ever try to compete on price, especially in your field. A race to the bottom is a race nobody wins. You want to charge what you feel your work is worth, and never lower that just to get a job or interview. Not only does this cheapen your work in a potential client's eyes, it devalues the work of others in the same field. This leads to clients expecting Academy Award level work for peanuts.


Rhythm & Hues tried that, and they ended up filing for bankruptcy.

Michael it's a perfect words about the Academy)))) I love it. Perfect...

So what could be the solution on your opinion ? What you do to get the job?

I want to find the truth...

Just had a good conversation that ัonfirms your words... take a look at the screen.

When a client see that I'm from the Ukraine, he thinks that I will sell my life for 1000$...


**Edited for community guidelines**

If I were you I'd get rid of that first paragraph in your overview that starts with "Hey guys, I'm new here..." It doesn't add anything useful and they actually already know you are new. In the list of proposals they see your name and first one or two lines of your overview, so you are basically wasting those two lines with irrelevant information. Besides, double check what you wrote. There are a few typos here and there. If you show a sloppy overview they don't take you seriously.


Don't ever underbid. If you do you are putting yourself down. You will be saying "Hey, I am cheap, I don't deserve more." I guess you appreciate what you do. Right? Adjust your price accordingly. I watched some of your videos... if you worked for TV and stuff like that your price should not be the same as someone who only used Premiere and After Effects in his/her spare time. Many prospective clients will say they can get it cheaper or that they can do the job themselves. Let them go, that's the kind of client you must avoid. There are others who will be willing to pay for excellence and even will pay you bonus when they are happy with the results.


Before making a proposal take some time to check the client's history, where you will see how much they have been paying to others, if they are responsive, etc.

Sergio it was very good comment about my description. Thank you very much. Will working on it right now!

I have almost the same problem. But now I got some great advice. Thanks to everybody. 

Hi Sergio,


I'd like to really thank you for your contribution and its quality as it came at a very good time for me. I joine Upwork 1 month ago and I have submitted nine proposals since then, 5 of which I can confidently say are of great quality because I improved after going through Upwork's "How to get started" tutorial however I had not gotten a single invite for interview. I'm ashamed to say I felt I was the only one, lol even at a point thought it was cos I'm from Nigeria. I was about to email Upwork when I saw this forum and your contribution. Thanks Max also. I'd input your tips into my procedure and process. Please I would like to ask for two favours if you can. First, If you could spare a minute to look through my profile and tell me what I can improve and what you might do differently If you had my profile. Second, I'm great at video editing, production and some motion graphics for above intermediate level. My one weakness remains typography, design and how to blend colours. As sometimes, when making a video, I would need to put in text in a creative and attractive way or make a nice looking intro for visual. I loved your profile and portfolio works and can see you're a master of creative art. How may I learn to a very good degree about this? Any websites or elearning sources you may recommend?


If you could do any of them, I'd greatly appreciate. 

Community Member


First your overview of talents and lack of conversation is really missing power, also your TITLE area needs something like Video Editing | Premire | After Effects instead of just Video Editing. Here is my profile to show you how I added several Titles and created a nice long, Get to Know Me overview.

As for proposals, they need to have great English, be compelling to the point the client has to hire you, and really spark interest with the client. I have won jobs by just writing two lines that told them their ASAP can be done Now and that I wasn't going to tell them how great I am, read my client reviews. I have also won jobs by using simple humor, most of the time I write to the client what I would do to their "logo project" and how I invision a new approach, I aslo tell them that they will get this and that formatted graphics for all their collateral needs.

I started in April and have about made $10,000 and am now Top Rated.


So in the end, make your profile shine, write great proposals and keep looking for jobs, one of them or even 5 will come calling and somethimes at the same time, making you a very busy person. 

Go check out my profile and see if it gives you any ideas.

Good Luck and Much Success.

Not that this superceeds the stellar advice already given but I found this UpWork work video extereemly useful.  It contains quite a bit of information and tips.  Too much to be implemented in one shot.  It also covers quite a few more topics that the tilet indicated.  Check it out:



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i have this issue too, i don't know why? my profile is 100% but i got no replays on my proposals, i just don't know why? 


What you show in your profile doesn't qualify you to be a good translator.

Community Member

i have my work demo, i know good quality work, but not getting job anything 

I get invited to jobs every week... INVITED, meaning THEY ask ME to submit a proposal to a job I didn't even know existed. I reply to every single one, and get a response back from the client on maybe 1 out of 10 of those. That's just how Upwork goes. Clients are here to save time and/or they don't know much about Upwork and don't think it's like the "real" world where you might respond to every application you receive.


Worry about the stuff you CAN control... typos, grammar, and work quality... and don't worry about something you can't control... clients.

Community Member

Fair enough! thank you so much for those tips guys. This is very helpful as a nub ^^ I am doing AR filter and CGI in case that could interest you guys. Super up if someone can review my profile as well - https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~015e7ae2c04ac4f648! But mainly I wanted to double-check: can we send reminders through Upwork to come back to the client or is this not something that people do in here?
Thank you so much!

re: "can we send reminders through Upwork to come back to the client or is this not something that people do in here?"


If you send a proposal to a job AND then the client contacts you to discuss the job with you, then a "room" is created in the Upwork Messages tool.


At that point, it is physically possible for you to send a reminder.


Personally: I don't.

Other freelancers do.


In my case, I have lots of work, and don't need to seek out additional work. So if a client wants me to work for them, they need to be proactive. I am not going to go chasing after them.


For a freelancer who is actively looking for work... I don't think a single follow-up reminder would be out of line.


"Hello again, Eugene. Last week we talked about having me work on your project. I did not see a hire offer sent my way yet. If you still want me to work on this, let me know."

Right, looking forward to have access to this room then! Thank you mate!