Hi upwork fam,
My name is Yawar and i am top rated plus freelancer my niche is "video editing" . there was a client name "abc" he firstly came from invite and we talked about his project but his first project was about content creation means i have to record myself or put into my stories which is i am not comfortable at so i said:
"Hi XYZ, i am not interested in producing content l, which means recording myself.
What i am Highly interested in is, Editing those sort of videos."
Then after some time, he again came and asked me if i am good at changing tone of voice/audio? offered me hourly contract ask me to accept it and we can start then, i said I can try my best for changing the tone.
His messages:
ok so the male voice needs to be adjusted slighly to be less recognizeable. maybe slightly deeper
slightly though
and then add the screenshot photo at the end
so this should be a 1 min video
male voice edited slightly
send back in high res g drive file plz
I gave him six revisions, Havent logged any hours, not a single penny. He ALL of a sudden, ended cotract, i asked him, "All good?" but he didnt replied.
Then all of a sudden my jss dropped form 100% to 94%, i know its not a huge hike but ALLOTTTT for me!
I then kind of message him, that see I haven't logged any hours from the previous contract, i know it must be small thing for you, the decrease in job success score will make me lose more future potential clients. its a humble request to please change it.
Because it has affected my job success score, from 100% to 94%.
I request you to please change, i am ready makeup whatever way you want.
I am ready to makeup in whatever way you want!
he then, said"sure, I need yout o show me how to remove it
i can edit if you tell me how but not seeing option to do so.
Now client is ready to change it as well and i tried contacting the upwork chat bot but didnt dound it helpful! He must have done by mistake because he sent me new offer, if he having complain about me why would he wants to re-hire me????
please upwork officials, if you listening please help me out! I am so Demotivated.
- Yawar