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Avaiclaibity of freealncer as per budget

If freelancer connects are charged on average 6 connects based on the demand of the work on this platform,


Upwork should also create a filter that segregate low budget clients from acccesing high performance and competent freelancers. Professional frealancers are often misused with high workloads in return for meagre payments. THis will not only Help FL's, but also boost the avg amount Serivce fees Upwork earns per client.


Upwork to client :  To access  experienced freelancers, kindly increase your budget.



2. Clients posting hourly contacts shouldnt be allowed to create fixed price or pay per word deals. its a huge loss at the Freealncers'  end. 


This is not only about the time spent for the job (eg. writing), but also the duration required for searching information and organizing that takes a lot of time, but is unpaid.


These are all form my personal experiences. Anyone with me ?



That would be me, then. 

Yes you are limited in your options, since writing in your non-native language is never recommended. Your profile shows that, and your post too. You didn't even afford us the courtesy of correcting your obvious mistakes. Everything you write should be flawless. Clients can read the forum too, you know. 

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If I am wrong, lets do a small test.


How about Upwork removes the pics and locations of all freelancers / clients for a day or two and check how it goes ?


Upwork is a remote working platform, so except for a few cases, the location isn't really necessary.


Go ahead. I dare you.

Shibajyoti B wrote:

How about Upwork removes the pics and locations of all freelancers / clients for a day or two and check how it goes ?

How would that help clients?

Or freelancers, for that matter?

(Hint: It wouldn't)

Community Member

I noticed that location and language requirements in job posts are often jammed by the poster as they make no sense and sometimes clash with the text of the job post. For instance, a job post requiring Italian native skills, with the location set in Malaysia or similar, and the language set to French. In my view, it is the result of poorly made copy & paste and a haste in publishing the posts. I would take them all with a grain of salt. 

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