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Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member


I just recently secured a client for a logo design job, she made an offer of 5hrs for the complete job which i accepted. Before the 5hours elapsed, i had sent different samples of logo options to select from which she eventually settled on a particular icon for the logo but inisisted that the font style be changed.


I sent the chosen logo icon with different font styles (more then 30 different font styles)...she refused to settle for one. Now at this point the 5hours for the project elapsed.


I do not like leaving a project uncompleted, the client requested for my mail address which i provided...up till this very moment she has still not settled for a particular font. (which i have sent like an additional 15 different fonts). The client also requested that i add her on whatsapp which i did but till now we still haven't settled on the font she wants to use.


I am frustrated.........i have not worked with this type of a client, i dont know if it is possible to refund her money? I just need to focus on my other projects.


I need advise on what to do.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Joshua A wrote:

I am frustrated.........i have not worked with this type of a client, i dont know if it is possible to refund her money? I just need to focus on my other projects.

If you refund her there will be no public feedback, but there will be private feedback, and even without, the contract will count as unsuccessful.


Your last couple of contracts didn't go well. Your JSS is very low. Another failed outcome will cause it to drop further and that would be rather unfortunate for your profile.

Can't you negotiate proper pricing for the extra work?

Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member

Hi Petra,

Thanks for the feedback

What do you suggest I do...I am tired of this particular project!

The 5hours for the project has elapsed and I have kept on working for this
client regardless but at this point am quite fed up.
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Joshua A wrote:
What do you suggest I do...I am tired of this particular project!

The 5 hours for the project has elapsed 

Then ask for more hours if it's an hourly contract? 

Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

If she likes the icon but not the font, why don't you try sending her to a website like https://www.fontshop.com/tryout, where she can type in the name of her business and pick a font herself? It's worth a shot.

Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member

Hi Christine,


Thanks for the reply.


I have done everything possible, i even asked the client to propose fonts she would want to use, she refused. Now she says she does not like the colour used also that i should send another sets of colors...I am so so fed up with this project.


I just got a notification now that she has requested for a refund for an hourly contract (5hrs we agreed on). How is that even possible?


Does that mean i will have to refund her for all my time she wasted on this project...


or is there a way i can report her to Upwork?


Thank for your anticipated response



Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member

She has refused to give more hours for the project.


Now i just got a notification that she is requesting for refund for the 5hours i used...how is that even possible.


Do i inform Upwork as regards this development?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Joshua A wrote

Now i just got a notification that she is requesting for refund for the 5hours i used...how is that even possible.

Was it an hourly contract?

Did you use the Upwork tracker and tracked your hours correctly, with meaningful work memos and decent activity levels? (NOT manual time)


Joshua A wrote:

Do i inform Upwork as regards this development?



Christine's avatar
Christine A Community Member

It does sound like you've got a nightmare client, but Upwork isn't going to be able to make her be reasonable, any more than you can. If you tracked your hours properly, then you'll get paid. You might try apologising for things not working out and offer her a bit of a refund as a compromise (no more than an hour, I'd say), but that's up to you.
Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member

Thanks Christine.


She just sent a message via mail and was insultive.

I hope i do not come across clients like this in the future.

Joshua's avatar
Joshua A Community Member

Hi Petra,


It was an hourly contract and all works were traked using upwork traker not manual.

