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Can i pay membership fee from friend's Credit Card or Paypal

All i want to know that "Can i pay membership fee from friend's Credit Card or Paypal"?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Rizwan,


Thanks for reaching out to us. You will need to add a billing method that matches your Upwork name so as not come across any issue when your billing method is billed. You may read up on this help article to know what billing methods you can use to pay for your membership. 


We can allow a freelancer to use a payment method that belongs to someone else if they have their permission to do so. If there are any concerns or issues detected our team will reach out and ask you to complete a verification process in order to continue using the billing method.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Aleksandar D wrote:


Thanks for reaching out to us. You will need to add a billing method that matches your Upwork name

Thank you.

This is true for withdrawal methods.

It is NOT true necessarily for payment methods. With the card holder's permission he can use that, and if there are any queries, the team will reach out to verify.


Hi Petra,


Thanks for the follow-up! I've checked and updated the information I shared initially.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
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