May 5, 2022 02:43:14 PM by Trevor C
Pretty often I'll be having a productive chat with clients which ends in "ok, so how do I hire you? Sorry, I'm new to this.". At this point their attention is defintiely not at the start of the chat where my proposal submission sits. So maybe it would make sense to put a link / banner of some sort at the bottom of the chat which connects to my proposal and also includes a big HIRE button. This or some all-around reworking of the UI for the client in order to streamling hiring would be cool.
Also, as a freelancer, I rarely get to see their side of the hiring process and instead have to google / check videos, documentation on what the client's screen looks like so I can tell them "click here then there". For all I know they do actually see a big "HIRE" button at the bottom of the chat window. Thus providing freelancers with some sort of tool for seeing what the client sees... even though this might seem weird... actually could be useful.
May 5, 2022 03:17:58 PM Edited May 5, 2022 03:29:36 PM by Thomas J M
I have experienced this multiple times. This is one reason why I've been saying that one of the biggest problems with Upwork is the total lack of client education. Clients also do not generally understand that Upwork takes a percentage of freelancers' earnings. Clients have no idea what the going rates are for my industry why it's upsetting that Upwork literally tells clients that "Expert Level" work in the USA in Video Production usually pays $25-50/hr (which is totally wrong).
Clients will have a much, much better experience on the platform and will hire more freelancers if they understand how to optimize their time/effort to find the best freelancers for the correct amount of money. Instead of coming in with false expectations that nudge them to underpay for cheaper talent (which puts them at risk to not be satisfied with the results and thus never return to Upwork)