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Community Blog Promotes Violating TOS (LOL)

So, out of curiosity I click on "Five Tips for Freelancers to Improve Your Client Onboarding Process. I have only included the first tip

Here are the five tips I learned from William Miller of High Power Data and Design and Courtney Allen of 16x9. (The I is the writer of the blog, not me)


  1. Onboarding starts before the contract begins. Both Courtney and William will often have one or even two calls with clients before the contract is started. This is when you begin to build rapport with the client and start to establish how you’ll work together. 

In an Upwork Blog featured on the Community Page they are promoting the violation of TOS by stating that one or more calls are often made before a contract is in place.


I personally don't see an issue with the calls, but what I do have an issue with is everyone from Upwork making reference to TOS violations constantly, yet here in the community blog it seems to be ok. 









Community Member

I say "on a call" when I talk about this stuff. I think you are taking it too literally. They probably mean zoom "call" and not phone.


I don't agree with that tip at all, but this is what happens when you try to apply a general tip across all sections from people who agree to expose themselves to freelancers when the people who are smart enough to know what will happen decline to do so. 

Community Member

Jeffrey B wrote:

So, out of curiosity I click on "Five Tips for Freelancers to Improve Your Client Onboarding Process. I have only included the first tip

Here are the five tips I learned from William Miller of High Power Data and Design and Courtney Allen of 16x9. (The I is the writer of the blog, not me)


  1. Onboarding starts before the contract begins. Both Courtney and William will often have one or even two calls wit


I personally don't see an issue with the calls, but what I do have an issue with is everyone from Upwork making reference to TOS violations constantly, yet here in the community blog it seems to be ok. 


Community Blog Promotes Violating TOS (LOL)

So, out of curiosity I click on "Five Tips for Freelancers to Improve Your Client Onboarding Process. I have only included the first tip

Here are the five tips I learned from William Miller of High Power Data and Design and Courtney Allen of 16x9. (The I is the writer of the blog, not me)


  1. Onboarding starts before the contract begins. Both Courtney and William will often have one or even two calls with clients before the contract is started. This is when you begin to build rapport with the client and start to establish how you’ll work together. 

In an Upwork Blog featured on the Community Page they are promoting the violation of TOS by stating that one or more calls are often made before a contract is in place.

I personally don't see an issue with the calls, but what I do have an issue with is everyone from Upwork making reference to TOS violations constantly, yet here in the community blog it seems to be ok. 


I don't think it's so much a violation as inattention to detail. Upwork clearly is not hiring an editor/proofreader(s) to catch  serious grammatical errors and missing information in its updated guides.


In the instance you quote,  will often have one or even two calls with clients before the contract is startedUpwork could so easily have added "provided the calls are made from the message room and not outside Upwork before a contract is in place".  Elsewhere, there are other glaring,  and cringemaking grammatical errors that need correcting. 

Community Member

It just looks poorly worded to me. Although it should be edited because some newbies will read it.

Community Member

I'm sure it simply implies "Upwork Zoom calls". Who uses a landline phone anymore anyway?

Who uses a landline phone anymore anyway? Cell Phone

Jeffrey B wrote:

Who uses a landline phone anymore anyway? Cell Phone


I do; and  my cell phone.  Sometimes the cell phone quality is so bad I prefer the landline. 

Community Member

Hi Jeffrey,


There are tools available via the Upwork platform to make both voice and video calls . Using these tools is not a violation of the Upwork TOS. I have updated the blog post to clarify this.


Blog articles are a resource which are available to help people learn.

They are not necessarily "perfect," and they do not constitute a declaration of Upwork policy.

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