Nov 27, 2019 02:04:14 PM Edited Nov 27, 2019 02:05:51 PM by Aleksandar G
I'm wondering does my Hourly Rate on profile affects on number of job invites I have been receiving?
I have 2 specialized profiles beside General one. I have noticed that I'm receiving invites only for my second specialized profile despite the fact that my first specialized profile and my General have mzch more 5 star jobs and feedback than the second one. I have 2x larger hourly rate on General and 1st one than on 2nd one. Could hourly rate be a 'problem' for receiving job invites?
Best regards,
Nov 27, 2019 03:13:07 PM by Paul T
The issue is your profile, mate... Python engineer who is Electrical engineer who is Network engineer - too much "engineerized" probably...
Nov 27, 2019 03:17:23 PM Edited Nov 27, 2019 03:26:15 PM by Aleksandar G
I was trying to stick up to straight facts about my education, knowledge and experience. I thought maybe it's good to mention all that in my General profile, and then be more specific in Specialized profiles, but I'm not sure about it...
Anyway, I would like to know does hourly rate have some impact or not.
Thanks 🙂
Nov 27, 2019 03:32:00 PM by Paul T
Who knows? But, regarding your specialization, you should have a better understanding than me, how to Big Data could read and arrange your profile and how it depends on the description 😉
So, I just would like to recommend you to review your profile.
Nov 27, 2019 03:47:16 PM Edited Nov 27, 2019 04:00:12 PM by Aleksandar G
I will review it, for sure. 😉
Thank you 🙂
Nov 27, 2019 07:21:41 PM Edited Nov 27, 2019 07:24:12 PM by Christine A
I doubt very much that your slightly higher rate in one profile is making any difference - it's only $5. The simple answer is probably that some of your skills are in more demand than others, and/or you have more experience in those areas.
Nov 27, 2019 07:58:27 PM Edited Nov 27, 2019 08:03:11 PM by Aleksandar G
Nov 27, 2019 09:03:16 PM by Christine A
Aleksandar G wrote:
@Christine A
It was 2x larger, so I decided to decrease it, so now difference is $5. Thing that doesn't make sense to me is that I have more experience, more 5 stars jobs, great feedback in 1st profile and, despite that, I'm constantly getting invites on 2nd profile where I have only 1 job rated. I have received like 12 invites in last 2 months and none of it was for the 1st profile.
So I guess the answer is that some skills are in more demand than others. If I were you, I would increase my rate in the area where I'm getting the most invitations/jobs, and just focus on that.
Nov 27, 2019 05:54:35 PM by Mark F
Nov 27, 2019 06:12:39 PM by Sergio S
Mmm... I'd say of course it does affect. Say certain client is looking for someone to do an hourly job and he/she wants to hire a freelancer whose hourly rate is between $10 and $20. If yours is more than $20 you will not receive invitations from that one. I think it's pretty obvious, but sorry if I misunderstood your question.