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Have a suggestion to make

Hello, it comes a time when being hired here becomes very difficult.

Sometimes, I do have a long list of invites.

But close to a month now, nobody is talking to me.

Even when I apply for jobs. 

So here is my suggestion.

Those who are already hired to some few jobs, should be prevented from applying to new jobs till they finish the current job at hand.
It makes no sense giving particular individuals all the jobs on the platform, meanwhile many others stay without a job whereas they could perfectly do it too.


My point of view though.


Community Member

That's a novel idea.


The biggest problem with your idea is that lots of freelancers aren't really worth hiring.


In some job niches, it may be up to 90% of freelancers aren't worth hiring for a discerning client. The people that many clients most want to hire are the freelancers who are hired the most.


That CAN backfire, if you hire a freelancer who is simply too busy.

But some clients prefer to wait.


This morning I told a client that I was too busy to work on his project right now. He flat out told me: "I prefer to wait for quality" and asked if I would have more time two or three months from now.


A client like that is clearly not interested in hiring from the pool of freelancers who haven't been hired, or work infrequently. That's a client who is intentionally looking for someone who works a lot.


(Obviously not every client is going to think like that. As a client, I post a lot of jobs that state I want help RIGHT NOW, and I hire people within about 15 minutes.)

Ok, your point of view makes sense.

But with this type of mentality, how does a qualified newcomer cope ?

I bet in two months time, he would surely give up.

Achare ashurock J wrote:

But with this type of mentality, how does a qualified newcomer cope?

You are forgetting that every established freelancer was a newcomer once.


Hi Achare Ashurock, 


Thanks for your feedback. I'll be sure to share this with the team. In the meantime, please check out the following resources for tips in writing proposals and cover letters:


How To Get More Jobs on Upwork in 2021

How to Create a Proposal That Wins Jobs

How to Write a Cover Letter


You can find more helpful resources here.


~ Joanne
Community Member

Achare ashurock J wrote:

Hello, it comes a time when being hired here becomes very difficult.

Sometimes, I do have a long list of invites.

But close to a month now, nobody is talking to me.

Even when I apply for jobs. 

So here is my suggestion.

Those who are already hired to some few jobs, should be prevented from applying to new jobs till they finish the current job at hand.
It makes no sense giving particular individuals all the jobs on the platform, meanwhile many others stay without a job whereas they could perfectly do it too.


My point of view though.


TBH I would not hire you at this point. Your profile screems "I work for close to nothing" and I cannot see any proof of the qualification you claim to have, but too many contradictions.

I see someone without a real plan and probably using machine translation (I spent more than 5 years translating not less than 10 documents per day.) I sometimes spend 5 days on 1 document.


If you have worked for the Cameroon ministry of justice, look for jobs in that field. They might not be here on Upwork, but legal language is a very special field and you can make a good living if you have the qualification you claim.

Jennifer R wrote:

TBH I would not hire you at this point. Your profile screems "I work for close to nothing" and I cannot see any proof of the qualification you claim to have, but too many contradictions.

What Jennifer said, plus you need to avoid translating into English. Your portfolio items are littered with mistakes.

Community Member

The purpose of the site is to get work done for clients, as fast and as effectively as possilble. It has nothing to do with ensuring an even distribution of work and money for freelancers.

Community Member

Achare ashurock J wrote:

Hello, it comes a time when being hired here becomes very difficult.

Sometimes, I do have a long list of invites.

But close to a month now, nobody is talking to me.

Even when I apply for jobs. 

So here is my suggestion.

Those who are already hired to some few jobs, should be prevented from applying to new jobs till they finish the current job at hand.
It makes no sense giving particular individuals all the jobs on the platform, meanwhile many others stay without a job whereas they could perfectly do it too.


My point of view though.


lol this is good bait. Good one, OP. I LOL'd.

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