Nov 14, 2022 01:59:04 AM by Ely B
I'd like to know how clients behave, so clients from third world countries in most case would be paying less hourly rate ?
I'd like to know how clients in developed countries thinks. I am seeing many freelancers (ex: skills translating) were able to obtain high paying clients (most from developed countries), meanwhile with the same skills, there are many other freelancer with same skills same quality (check ratings/reviews) but they are earning less. So why would these clients are paying higher while they can still find freelancers whom are cheaper with the same skills & quality ?
So is it because, if the client are from developed countries, they will eventually pay higher any ways to any freelancer ? where's the logic behind that ?
Dec 14, 2022 03:31:24 AM Edited Dec 14, 2022 07:18:37 AM by Will L
Well, Ely, if the client were from Adam's country, which of the three freelancers would that client likely choose to use?
You don't have any hard data as to which of the three freelancers either client would choose.
But I think we can assume budgets always play a role when the average client chooses a freelancer; why would either client choose to pay Bill or Sarah 10X as much as Adam charges for the same end product? And it is only logical that clients would prefer to hire freelancers they can easily understand in conversation, etc.
Low-cost workers from low-cost countries benefit greatly from open global markets (which Upwork certainly is). But as wages rise in those countries, manufacturers (clients, in Upwork's case) look elsewhere to continue to receive quality work at lower prices (just ask China how much work has drifted to Vietnam and other even lower cost markets as China's own labor costs have risen in recent years).
All things being equal, you shouldn't expect clients to look outside their own country for quality work at the same price as they can get from freelancers from their own country.
Dec 26, 2022 09:38:52 AM Edited Dec 26, 2022 09:45:13 AM by Ely B
Will L wrote:You don't have any hard data as to which of the three freelancers either client would choose.
I do, just open a client account and see it for ur self
Will L wrote:
And it is only logical that clients would prefer to hire freelancers they can easily understand in conversation, etc.
This is depends on the individual clients, we are talking about general clients.
Will L wrote:All things being equal, you shouldn't expect clients to look outside their own country for quality work at the same price as they can get from freelancers from their own country.
Exactly my point, but these western clients would go for Sarah, yet you can't explain why.
Why is it so HARD for you my friends to understand these facts I am pointing ??
Because you all don't have a client account and you are living in western expensive countries, getting expensive clients. You are SARAH !.
I am still waiting for Bill to give me some heads up here !
"1. Adam - Cheap country, $50
2. Bill - Cheap country, $500
3. Sarah - Expensive country, $500
The client is from an expensive country were seeking for a designer."