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Hours logged but not showing

Hi there,

I have been working with one client today all day. He needs some urgent project to be finalised, so I have done some work for him tonight from 12 AM to 12.30 AM and then in the morning, roughly from 10 AM up until now 6:40 PM. I have been working on the clients' company email, drafting documents and emails to his clients/responding through his company's email, basically all day. I have charged some time manually (from 10 AM and till 12:30 PM) but for some reason, that time does not show in my work diary and in my report as being charged. I tried charging for the same time again (I thought maybe it did not go through) but a message keeps showing that there is an 'overlap', even though when I choose the start time it doesn't say that it's 'already tracked' unlike the other timings that I have added tonight and after my lunch. 

Can anyone here help?

Community Member

Are you certain that you aren't getting confused by UTC versus local time?


You can not log time for more than one project for the same time period.


It is possible to not notice the UTC/local time setting, and think you're logging time for a certain time period, but it is actually a different time period than you thought due to time zone.

Thank you for answering,

I have definitely logged it in my local time. I have just checked all of my contracts and I have only logged the hours for this client. 

Attached are the screenshots, that the diary is only showing my work at 12AM (30 mins)

And then at 1 PM, that's after I already worked in the morning and took my lunch. 

Then, when I am trying to choose 10 AM to 11:50 AM - it says time is overlapping, even though it shouldn't... I am so confused by this 

Community Member

Anna Z wrote:

 I have charged some time manually (from 10 AM and till 12:30 PM) but for some reason, that time does not show in my work diary and in my report as being charged. I tried charging for the same time again (I thought maybe it did not go through) but a message keeps showing that there is an 'overlap'


Every single time that happened to me I had added the hours to the wrong contract.


Check all your open contracts, including fixed rate ones.

Thanks for sharing your experience.. I have just tried checking all of my contracts but I have definitely only charged this one. I have sent some screenshots above, not sure what to do 😞

Anna, when I looked at your screenshot and considered the fact that no hours or pay are being registered anywhere, the first thing I though was that it looks like a fixed-price contract.

It's definitely not a fixed price contract, as I have charged this client yesterday and later today for my after-lunch hours...  is there a way to contact Upwork Tech support?

Hi Anna,


I'm sorry to hear about the trouble this caused. We checked this for you and we can see the time you've logged under your Reports - Overview tab and via My Jobs> Work Diary. However, the contract room may have not been updated yet. We'll have an agent reach out to you and look into this issue further.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan

Thanks, Bojan, when I click on those tabs - I cannot see those hours in question being logged. I have just spoken via online chat with someone on the Help Centre and they said they would get back to me via email, after checking. Thanks all for your help.

Hello I think I am experiencing the same issue as Anna. I have logged my hours but they do not show and if I try to log them again, the message of an overlap appears. 


Would someone please look into this so I know if it was logged and maybe not updated just yet? - The hours are from 12pm to 13:40pm on the 12.07.21.


Thank you very much in advance

Hi Sarah,


Please allow for some time so that your Work Diary is updated accordingly. If you're still experiencing the same problem after this, open the Desktop app > click on the Settings Cog > Support & Feedback. This way you will submit a ticket including your logs as well and our team will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran

Update: so my issue appears to have occurred due to the fact that there were some issues with the client's payment method, so Upwork was unable to charge him. Upwork support agent has contacted me and they have put the contract on hold and reached out to the client to sort this out. After the client has updated his payment method everything got fixed. 

Community Member

Facing same issue as Anna,
I have one hourly contract. I have a limit of 20 hours per week. Before today I logged 15 hours in the span of four days. Today I worked and logged 5 hours into my work diary but these 5 hours are not reflected in my work diary. When I try to add again it shows me "Time is overlapping with already logged time". I am 100% sure that I logged hours into the right contract. Please look into this issue quaickly ASAP.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Tamoor,

I can see you were able to submit a support ticket with our team regarding this. Please allow some time for our team to review and they will update you directly via ticket as soon as possible.


Hello, I have the same issue. I manually logged some hours and they didn't appear on my timesheet while also saying they overlap with already registered hours if I try to do the action again. What can I do?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Ioanna,


Thank you for reaching out to us and reporting this. Please be aware that manual time can be added to the current billing period before the Work Diary is locked and only for intervals in which you have not logged time.


The desktop app and Work Diary default to UTC. Alternatively, you can log hours in your own time zone by selecting Mine from the dropdown time zone menu in your Work Diary.


Let us know if you need further assistance afterward with a screenshot of what you can see from your end; we'll look further into that for you.


~ Arjay
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