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How effective is the UpWork automatic filtering?

Question for anyone connected to UpWork who might know the internal workings of the suggestion algorithm.

If I mark a particular job as "Just not interested", because for example it's associated with a religious group, will that efficiently reduce the number of jobs associated with religious groups showing on my feed, or is it just more likely to filter out relevant stuff because it doesn't know why I marked it as not interested?

More simply, am I doing more damage by marking things as "not interested" rather than simply ignoring them?

Community Member


I believe it only tags the item and reduces the size of its window.

I have asked them to have it:

1) Remove it from mylist

2) Send my "reason" to the client (as I also am one too) so we can see the effectiveness of our listing.

3) spreadsheet a report so I as a freelancer can see how much relavence there is in incoming offers.


To date - Nada!

Happy huntingm - Dave


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