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How will I know my upwork is approved?

Hi it has been a few days since I created my upwork account, but I have received no mail or notification that my upwork account is approved? So, how will I know when it will be approved?

Community Member

Mahir I wrote:

Hi it has been a few days since I created my upwork account, but I have received no mail or notification that my upwork account is approved? So, how will I know when it will be approved?

It does not look like you have submitted it yet. If you haven't, don't and start over, even if you might get it approved as it is (I doubt it) you'll never win work with it.


Mahir I wrote:

Because there is nothing that entices any client to consider hiring you.

"Student" is not a description of what you can do for clients and a lousy headline/title.

Then there is one sentence stating you have been on a different platform and another saying you mainly did a couple of entry-level generic stuff.


Your only "skill" is "comic writing" (seriously??)

No work/employment history, no portfolio, no other experience... nothing.


This is a massively competitive platform. Only 2% of all profiles are accepted and of those who are, the vast (!!!) majority are never hired even once.


You need to massively step up your game.


Okay Thanks

Hi Mahir,


Petra's correct. You have yet to submit your profile for review.  Please review your information, add your City and click Review Application. Once you have updated your profile accordingly, you can submit it for the team’s review. Please know that profile reviews may take from 24-48 hours. 

~ Riri

You also have to be 18 to work on Upwork

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