» Forums » Freelancers » I didn't get my connects last month
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K M Hasan Khaled's avatar
K M Hasan Khaled N Community Member

I didn't get my connects last month

Hi upwotk team,
I didn't get my connects last month. Also, new billing is started. My Current Billing CycleMay 4, 2020 — Jun 3, 2020. Why connects are not added? See attached screenshot of my connect history. Please fix the problem as soon as possible so that I can start bidding.

Hasan Khaled


**Edited for community guidelines**

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi K M Hasan Khaled,


Freelancer Basic plan doesn't include free connects so you'll need to purchase them if you'd like to send proposals. This can vary based on your location, but all Upwork users will be able to purchase Connects with a credit card or prepaid card. If you aren’t able to use a credit card or prepaid card or you don’t have an Upwork balance, in many cases you’ll be able to use PayPal. Check the options available to you and learn more about acceptable billing methods for paying memberships.


Thank you.

~ Bojan