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Inadequate project descrip., written in haste, asking to bid first and then describe, etc by clients



I have seen and reported job posts where based on the questions asked, the job description is inadequate for applying a job.  Many time the job posts are written in haste and coded. Many ask for bid and then they will let us know the job. And all these require 4-6 connects. 


I understand , some of the job may required confidentiality to be maintained, but at least something meaning so that the text in the job post can be connected and understood. 


Seems like freelancers/agencies  who have plenty of connects in their pockets are applying to just about any job.

I think clients should follow a some template because we are using our bids/connects which is money too


I applied to a few and to my dismay they turned out to be something else, like a huge list of activities for $30-$75.


Now I have stopped applying to unverified payment or incomplete, uncear job. its just waste of connects, while some clients dont bother to write down details.


Also the commision of 20% is too much for anything beoe $500 , plus additional with holding tax 

Community Member

Reporting jobs for an incomplete job description is a waste of time. You are wasting Upwork's time. There is not TOS violation here, so all you're doing is wasting our fees that we pay for someone to review your report that is false, basically. If you see a job that doesn't have enough info for you to apply then ignore it and move on. A job that doesn't have enough information for you may be perfect for someone else. If it doesn't fit your criteria then just keep scrolling. Please don't flag posts for frivolous reasons.

well i didnt know that upwork is not taking these seriously.  upwork has option for marking incomplete/unclear jobs. secondly its not for "frivolous" reasons. if its valid reason its a valid reason. I hvae seen 70% posts being repeatedly updated because they couldnt convince the freelancers in the beginning.


thanks for getting back to me so fast with a bold reply. however,  but if you and upwork team thinks its waste of thier time, then i will simply ignore. 


Tanuj W wrote:

I hvae seen 70% posts being repeatedly updated

70%??? Clearly you are simply making this up. 


And I agree that frivolous reporting of job posts is a waste of time and part of the fees we pay pays for that time that is being wasted.


If a job post violates the terms of service, flag it. If it doesn't, scroll past it and keep going.

If you are clicking the thumbs down button, that's not a report. That's just a feature that hides jobs you don't like from your feed. A report would require your to open the job post and click "Flag as inappropriate" and there is not an option for too vague or not enough info there. It's not a violation of TOS.
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