Nov 3, 2022 12:20:58 PM by Muhammad A
Hi there, Can anyone let me know why my proposals are not getting views at least? I was a top-rated plus freelancer but just because of one client who offered me a project worth 1100usd and then canceled it before the deadline without reviewing the work just because he found someone else to do the work for cheap. Soon after the project cancellation, my JSS dropped to 87 from 100, my TRP badge is gone, I'm not receiving any invitations and more important my proposals are not getting viewed by the clients. I am not sure whether my proposals are going to the clients or not but what I am sure of is that there is no problem with my cover letter because I was getting jobs before the cancellation.
Is there any way to get out of this situation as I am very dependent on this platform? Please Help me out.
Nov 3, 2022 12:39:11 PM by Fatih B
I have a similar issue where my jss dropped to 75, I can clearly say upwork does not care. My case is different in which my client closed a hourly contract and opened a fixed price contract the same day since I told him that I dont want to work hourly. I just tried to learn whether the reason for my jss drop was this or not - I even did not get an anwer for that. "top secret"
Anyway, as I know they will not count the contracts without feedback starting Nov 8, I hope this solves your problem.
Nov 3, 2022 12:41:48 PM by Martina P
Contracts without feedback are not factored into the JSS for years now, this is nothing new.
Nov 3, 2022 12:52:48 PM by Fatih B
Hi Martina, thank you for the reply.
Then my final question is; is there a feed back in my last two contracts which are opened by the same client (one contract is used the other is left unattended since it is 0 dollars.)
I dont care if it is good or bad. I only want to know if there is feedback so it would be clear that my jss is correct - if there is no feedback my other contracts are way too old then I would try to understand why my jss dropped. There is only one open contract where my client disappeared from the old ones. Thank you.
Nov 3, 2022 12:58:57 PM by Martina P
Open contracts don't have feedback. Only closed contracts WITH feedback from the client count.
Nov 3, 2022 01:19:36 PM by Fatih B
Thank you Martina,
Does my stat:
Nov 3, 2022 02:02:55 PM by Martina P
It's a percentage calculated from a scale from 1 to 10, all of them giving you 8, or some 10 and some 7, any combination is possible that results in 80%.
Nov 3, 2022 12:43:29 PM by Martina P
When your JSS dropped after the bad feedback, you should have used your top-rated perk and have it removed. When did that happen?
Nov 3, 2022 12:54:35 PM by Muhammad A
Maybe the client wrote something bad in the private review and I got to know about this perk when my badge is gone. Right now my major concern is why my proposals are not getting viewed. If the client ignores them after viewing my proposals, then it means that my proposals are not that good. I know that when I land a job my JSS will go up eventually.