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Milestone review and approval time

Approval time for milestone is not proportionate in case of milestones set for short project / work ( one day / two day deadline of urgent work by clients.)

My question is,  if the expectation to complete a milestone is one or two days , review and approval time of 14 days is it reasonable?

Community Member

14 days is fine.


Why would it matter if the deadline is in two days?

Do the task within two days. Then submit it immediately.


Then the client will manually approve release of payment. Or if the client does nothing, you will automatically receive all escrow funds in 14 days.


The 14 day time period is not going to change based on the size of the task, the day of the deadline, or the brand of spaghetti sauce the client buys.

Community Member

Upwork allows clients 14-day for approval. If you and the client negotiate a shorter timeline, then it is up to you to also negotiate each person's responsibility to review matters quickly and continue the work. 

If the client does not pay quickly, then perhaps their situation is not as urgent as the initially implied. 

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