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No responses since 1 month

Hi Team Upwork,

I have been facing this issue for quite a long time now. There are no responses to bids despite I am bidding daily.  It didn't happen earlier but for the last month, there are no responses at all. 


Also, on viewing my stats, it shows 0. Can you please look into the issue and let me know whee the problem is? 



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Nitumoni,


I checked your account and would like to confirm that clients are able to view your proposals and everything is working as designed. Regarding the profile views, please keep in mind that this number will increase only when you're discovered through search results.
I would recommend to check out our resources Here and learn more about how to improve your profile and your proposals. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,


Thanks fr your reply. If it had been a couple of days or weeks, that would have been understandable, but it has been 1 month now. It's too much to bear as I have been bidding continuously. I understand winning projects is a different thing but getting no response at all seems a bit suspicious. 


Please let me know how this can be solved. looking forward to your reply.


Warm Regards,

Your profile is too generic to attract anyone searching for something specific.

It is a far better strategy to specify a very narrow category where you are trying to compete in the beginning.

In a very generic category all old-timers with hundreds of thousands of earnings top your profile every time.

Start with a narrow niche. Expand later once your profile is much stronger.
Community Member

It's unlikely you or anything you're doing wrong Nitu - it's just the way the job market is currently.


I've never put in as many proposals as I have in 2021 so far and I don't get replies on most of them. However, I have managed to fill my March diary into early April after an absolute drought in January and February. All job markets (not just UW) have become very competitive with way more applicants than vacancies since the lockdowns.


Keep trying and only apply for jobs that you know you can do well. Also, review the client's hiring history and comments of other freelancers so that you don't waste your time. I think it will take a good while before things stabilise again.



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