Jun 1, 2021 09:24:09 AM by Jemma O
I need help regarding payments due, I haven't received payments to my bank account and my available balance only shows one of 2 invoices due, which is the second one, First one hasn't been received into my bank account or on my Upwork account. Help required can someone contact me from Upwork as its very difficult to find help from someone directly I find.
Jun 1, 2021 10:12:02 AM by Bojan S
Hi Jemma,
You can check your Pending tab and Available tab in order to confirm the status of your payments.
Please check the Weekly Billing Cycle article for more information about the schedule to release hourly payments. It takes about 10 days for payments to be processed. The first week is when you log time on an hourly contract, which ends every Sunday. The client then has 5-days to review, and/or, dispute any the hours logged on the Work Diary. If there are no issues with the hours logged, the payment for the contract will then go to a 5-day security period before it becomes available on your account.
The funds you’re referring to are currently under the Pending tab. That means they are currently subjected to a standard five-day security period and will become available for withdrawal on Wednesday.
Once funds become available in your account balance, you’ll be able to withdraw them from your Upwork account to your payment method by using the Get Paid Now button under the Available tab or by going to your Settings> Get Paid and click Get Paid Now.
Thank you!