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Gurjeet's avatar
Gurjeet S Community Member

Percentage of Sucess not increasing

Hello Upwork Team,

My success percentage is not moving, I have completed 4 successful projects in the last week all with a 5-star rating and one with a bonus from the client too. but my percentage is not moving up. it is 96% since then.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Gurjeet,


Upon checking I can confirm that your JSS actually remained the same after completing the projects you mentioned. I can see you have a good number of jobs completed that are taken into consideration within the calculation windows, which is likely why you're not seeing much movement in the percentage. Should you continue to close jobs with positive outcomes, you will eventually see the numbers moving up. Feel free to check this help article to learn more about the JSS calculation.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Gurjeet's avatar
Gurjeet S Community Member

I still did not get that... I have 16/16 weeks positive... and it is 96% for the last two months I guess.

Can you please help me with from which date to which date this window is calculating my percentage?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Gurjeet S wrote:

Can you please help me with from which date to which date this window is calculating my percentage?

You only have one calculation window currently (6 months)

All but one of your contracts were in the last 6 months, except for the 2018 one, which has fallen out of all 3 calculation windows because it is over 2 years old.


You also have to bear in mind that the closer you get to 100%, the more it takes to increase the percentage. That's just how percentages work.


At the moment your JSS is calculated from 40 outcomes and it's 96% -

that means there are at least 2 not quite so perfect factors in your calculation window. You won't and can't get to 100% until there are no negative factors left in your calculation windows anymore.

You want to not stress about the JSS, because 96% is actually excellent.

Danijel's avatar
Danijel K Community Member

Regards to all,

Can anyone please help me? Why does my JSS constantly “fall” even if I’m doing better and better? My Top Rated badge was taken away from me because my JSS fell below 90%. Lately, I have successfully completed a couple of 5-star projects, I was waiting for my JSS to improve and it actually got worse. It's getting frustrating ... please help. Thanks in advance!

Rahul's avatar
Rahul P Community Member

Hello luiggi


Hello Upwork Team,

My success percentage is not moving, I have completed 14 successful projects in the last weeks all with a 5-star rating and one with a bonus from the client too. but my percentage is not moving up. it is 57%since then. Please improve my success percnetage i do to much bidding and get reaponses as well but after checking my skills client say you have 5 star rating but low percentage this is my daily bread please take some action



Nikolay's avatar
Nikolay P Community Member

Hello, Upwork community!


I am a freelance writer and I am here with a hot topic. I had a long break from Upwork and recently re-started my activity here on the platform. First two weeks my JSS increased from 75% to 77%. I had 3x or 4x five-stars but 2% is good growth for me anyway, considering that the projects were in the rage of $25 to $30. However, in the next two weeks, I got another 4x, five-star ratings, one of which was $230, and I am sure that the client left me good "private" feedback as well.


Yesterday it was supposed to get updated but the only thing that got updated was the date on the "My Score" page. My JSS remains at 77% now, 48 hours later. I was really waiting for an increase considering the new "no feedback contracts will no longer impact JSS", and I had a lot of them, but no update at all. 


Anyone else experiencing something similar? Any Ideas?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Nikolay P wrote:


Yesterday it was supposed to get updated but the only thing that got updated was the date on the "My Score" page. My JSS remains at 77% now, 48 hours later. I was really waiting for an increase considering the new "no feedback contracts will no longer impact JSS", and I had a lot of them, but no update at all. 

"No feedback" contracts didn't ever affect the JSS unless there was an excessive number of them, which is not the case in your case.


You have "sub-optimal" feedback regularly. What is the "Clients who would recommend you" percentage on your "My Stats" page?


You promise "native" level English skills which is a stretch (at best) - so you over-promise and under-deliver. 

Nikolay's avatar
Nikolay P Community Member

It is 74% there. But I don't quite understand that either. The clients I worked with were satisfied I am confident in that considering the tips after some of the projects. I also have at least 3 re-hires during these 4 weeks but unfortunately "clients who would recommend you" even dropped by 1%. It was 75% when I came back to Upwork. I thought all these good things will contribute to both, recommendations and JSS.


It could be me after all, I can't know for sure the private feedback. It looks like Upwork would like to see long and constant positive outcomes.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Nikolay P wrote:

It is 74% there. But I don't quite understand that either. The clients I worked with were satisfied 


Then why do you think they left poor private feedback?

Your English isn't at "native" level. Promising such and not being able to deliver it leads to a poor client experience. That is why your JSS is poor.

Zahid's avatar
Zahid I Community Member

I completed 2 projects with 5 stars My jss is 63% . how much it will increase can you tell me please?
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Zahid I wrote:
I completed 2 projects with 5 stars My jss is 63% . how much it will increase can you tell me please?

You'll have to just wait and see. The contracts were only for $5, so I wouldn't expect miracles, and you'll have to remember that public feedback (stars) are not really what drives the JSS, it's private feedback that makes a difference

Shumaila's avatar
Shumaila K Community Member

Why my Job Success Score (JSS) not updated till now? Its been two weeks since it was updated. It was updated on March 21 , and today its April 4 Sunday. I am really waiting for my JSS to be updated soon. Please help me and find a solution.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Shumaila K wrote:

Why my Job Success Score (JSS) not updated till now? Its been two weeks since it was updated. It was updated on March 21 , and today its April 4 Sunday. I am really waiting for my JSS to be updated soon.

Please stop spamming the same post repeatedly!


Like every fortnight, it hasn't been updated yet. It never reliably updates until Sunday evening UTC at the earliest, despite it saying it's updated much earlier, usually around lunchtime UTC.


So all you have to do is WAIT!

Shumaila's avatar
Shumaila K Community Member

ok thanks

Waseem's avatar
Waseem A Community Member

I have recently completed three jobs in this week and got 5 star rating in all three. My job success score was 79 and is still 79. While it says updated on 29 march. Please Look into the matter.

Jason's avatar
Jason B Community Member

The updated number will show on your profile.  The stats page will update later today.  This is the usual procedure for JSS Sundays.

Waseem's avatar
Waseem A Community Member

Thanks Jason

Austin's avatar
Austin L Community Member

Hi, Jason

I have same issue here.. Job success score is not updating on my profile.

Saima's avatar
Saima N Community Member

Hi Upwork Community,

My contract is on hold and I want to know willl this affect on my JSS?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Saima N wrote:

My contract is on hold and I want to know willl this affect on my JSS?


Saima's avatar
Saima N Community Member

Thanks, Petra

Nurullah's avatar
Nurullah S Community Member


I need help regarding the issue of JSS score. I joined an agency as a member five months ago but I didn't complete any project on behalf of the agency. I completed many projects as an individual. Right now my JSS is 80%. If I leave the agency will it boost my JSS?

Thank You

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Nurullah S wrote:

Right now my JSS is 80%. If I leave the agency will it boost my JSS?

No, why would it? Your JSS is what it is because of the jobs you did as an individual. The agency has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Nurullah's avatar
Nurullah S Community Member

So, what do you suggest? Is it wise to leave the agency?

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