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Amanuel's avatar
Amanuel T Community Member

Reason for JSS decrease

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


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Biljana's avatar
Biljana V Community Member

Amanuel T wrote:

My JSS was 90% last week and in that week I've got 5 star review from my client and the JSS drops to 84% which is weird. Could you tell me what is going on my JSS calculation?

Most likely the client left you a poor private feedback. Sometimes clients do that and their public feedback does not match the private one.

Amanuel's avatar
Amanuel T Community Member

I didn't think so, because, immediately after he ended the project, the client gave me another project and currently working on that

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Your contracts move through 6/12/24 months calculation windows. A good outcome might have fallen out.

Amanuel's avatar
Amanuel T Community Member

is there any way to submit a review of my JSS based on the recent activities?

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

No. The JSS calculation is completely automatic and the same for everyone. Just complete more jobs with good feedback and it will improve. 

Olga's avatar
Olga P Community Member

Biljana V wrote:


Most likely the client left you a poor private feedback. Sometimes clients do that and their public feedback does not match the private one.

This is precisely why I am all against this bs called "private feedback". Why encouraging hypocrisy? Be honest or don't bother talking. A sign of our times, fake feedback, everyone's "happy" and then backstabbing. I thought UW was more, well, grown up.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame



Update: This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!

Taiseer's avatar
Taiseer A Community Member

Can you please let me know who gave this private feedback because we never dissatisfied our clients plus we got good feedback even from our recent clients. if there's someone who did this at least let us know. 

Kashif's avatar
Kashif A Community Member

Hi Andrea,

I am shocked to see a sudden decrease in my JSS for no reason. I understand that these are reasons that affect the JSS:

  • If I have received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • If I have received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

I don't see any of the above reasons happening to me in the last 3 months. It has even changed on a different day (On Thursday - 07/04/2022). It always updates on Monday. It was 100% and now it is 92%. 

I really want help with this. Please assist me with it.

Thank you in advance.




Piush's avatar
Piush P Community Member

I don't understand your above explanation because when I was sitting at 100% most of the time for years and didn't get any new outcome from months, how my JSS suddenly decreased by 3%?
Bottom Line: I have been working here since 2011 when it was oDdesk. So as a senior freelancer, I would like to suggest to upwork please improve the JSS system. Because if it is not from any bug and it is just due to system, then it is a high level of discrepancy in JSS system. How it can be fair thing that we are not getting any new low rated or bad feedback, even we are punishing because our good outcomes are aged out. What is the sense of it?

√ If the system will remove our old good feedback than what difference will be remaining between a highly skill freelancer AND the new freelancer who just earned good feedback.
√ Client will hire those freelancer who has low skill but has 100% JSS due to recent good feedback (no aged out for them) and clients will get average work form them because they has 100% JSS but not high skill. Do you (Upwork) know what will be its long term IMPACT? Obviously, Client will move to other platform because they wont get the high quality work due to your system dumbness they will confuse by JSS and give priority to 100% JSS freelancer cause they do not know the thing behind JSS logic. 

For example: I had completed 100 jobs with most of good feedback, and from past 6+ months I did not get any new job because some jobs are in progress since 6 months. But in mean time my few highly rated jobs has aged out and dramatically I went down without any of my mistake. Do you think it is fair thing for both client and freelancer? Client will miss lead by this thing and hire to those freelancer who has 100% JSS. Does not matter how they earned behind JSS logic.

*** Upwork please think about my suggestion, I am sure it will help to all of us (upwork + client + freelancer).


Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Piush,


Thank you for reaching out and providing your feedback. I'll send this to our team to help us create a better experience for everyone.

~ AJ
Yaxa's avatar
Yaxa S Community Member

Hello Annie Jane B, 
I currently completed 7 jobs on my profile and I got a rising talent badge also. As well as  I have to deal with 2 annoying clients within that period.  It has been showing for 3 days, my Jss was 67%. I don't know how it's dropped like this. I earned $600 within the last 2 months. but I'm really sad at this moment that no one hires me now due to that JSS score. Can you check my profile please please help me? I really want to stand -out on Upwork but unfortunately. I can't imagine, what's happened to my profile. 
Profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f4e232b70968204a

Olga's avatar
Olga P Community Member

Andrea G wrote:

Hi Amanuel,


Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity.


Let me just point out this specific sentence - this should NOT be the case and you may want to rebuild this whole bs called JSS from the ground. Not having projects - and with recent money grab and pay to win changes I have personally less projects, survival IS a challenge, thank you very much UW - should not make JSS to lower simply because it does not make sense. Also, counting hidden feedback towards JSS is an abuse. People are rarely honest and prefer to lie in the face while speaking bad behind the back, why even encourage it. I thought UW was grown up platform, see it is not. There are two options - remove JSS (it is misleading anyways, based on not well thought out measures and overall harmful) or remove hidden feedback entirely, thus counting open feedback towards JSS, if you so want to keep it, so it makes sense. Supporting any form of abuse is not welcome in business environment. 

Ciro's avatar
Ciro F Community Member

That s why one thing should change on the rating system: When a contract stayed open because the Client are not educated enough (for example I have like 10 open contract with positive outcomes but without closing and review) the contract feedback should be automatically positive and affect positively the JSS score. 


I exaplain you why:


You said 1000 times that open contracts dont affect JSS score, BUT THAT S A LIE.


Imagine that in one year all your client dont give you review neither close their contracts with you. What is going to happen to your JSS score. I tell you: IT GOES TO 0!

Eric's avatar
Eric I Community Member

Same thing happened to me. I've been at 100 for over a year then suddenly went down to 87 a week ago without additional review. I only have 1 active job and the rest ended 6 months ago. It is unlikely that a previous client just suddenly decided to give me a negative feedback 6 months AFTER the contract ended. Im not buying that explanation.

Yaxa's avatar
Yaxa S Community Member

Hello Andrea G, 
I currently completed 7 jobs on my profile and I got a rising talent badge also. As well as  I have to deal with 2 annoying clients within that period.  It has been showing for 3 days, my Jss was 67%. I don't know how it's dropped like this. I earned $600 within the last 2 months. but I'm really sad at this moment that no one hires me now due to that JSS score. Can you check my profile please please help me? I really want to stand -out on Upwork but unfortunately. I can't imagine, what's happened to my profile. 
Profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f4e232b70968204a

MD Rayhanur Kabir's avatar
MD Rayhanur Kabir T Community Member

Hi Guys, 


I have worked on 17 jobs except 1 (4.6 stars) all of them are 5 stars. And most importantly I know all the clients were satisfied when they closed the contract. Yesterday My JSS was at 100% today it shows 68%. What should I do? How Can I fix this? 



Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Rayhanur K wrote:

Yesterday My JSS was at 100% today it shows 68%.

Something must have gone spectacularly wrong in the last two weeks.

Any cancelled contracts?

Michelle's avatar
Michelle W Community Member

Hi Petra,

I had a similar experience just yesterday! I suddenly lost my Top-Rated badge yesterday and my jss dropped from 100% to 70% in a matter of hours!!!

I'm not sure why this happened?????


***Possible reason #1???

I'm guessing my recent Client left negative Private Feedback on our 2 jobs??? Contract ID 28464004 (total amount of 2 jobs was almost $18,000)


***Another possible reason for this horrible jss drop and Top Rated badge removal???

Maybe because my old jobs have dropped off?? And now I don’t have enough recent jobs??? I still have enough earnings though.


My most recent Client (Contract ID 28464004) gave me a lower public star score for "availability" and “deadlines” (4.4) I believe due to the fact that I got severely sick with bronchitis and pneumonia for 3 weeks during our project.

There are some things such as getting sick that a person cannot control.

She told me she was “understanding”, but you know how that goes. Guess she was pretty pissed off. We really got along, so it’s very disappointing to have received such low scores from her on these jobs.


Do you think negative Private Feedback is what’s causing my looooooow jss score and the removal of my Top Rated badge??

Just give me your best educated guess.


Additionally, I never got an email from Upwork saying, "You've lost your Top Rated badge."

Is this even relevant?


**Edited for Community Guidelines**


Or please tell me that this is an Upwork GLITCH and I'll wake up tomorrow morning with my profile at 100% and my Top-Rated badge renewed!


I have submitted a Help Ticket on the issue.


Thank you!


Nikola's avatar
Nikola S Moderator

Hi Michelle,
I am sorry to hear about the frustration this has caused. Please know that neither our team nor our Customer Support team can share details about how specific contracts affect Job Succes Score. I would like to clarify that your JSS can change because:
  • You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame


You can find more information in this help article.
~ Nikola
Yaxa's avatar
Yaxa S Community Member

Hello Nikola S, 
I currently completed 7 jobs on my profile and I got a rising talent badge also. As well as  I have to deal with 2 annoying clients within that period.  It has been showing for 3 days, my Jss was 67%. I don't know how it's dropped like this. I earned $600 within the last 2 months. but I'm really sad at this moment that no one hires me now due to that JSS score. Can you check my profile please please help me? I really want to stand -out on Upwork but unfortunately. I can't imagine, what's happened to my profile. 
Profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f4e232b70968204a

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Yaxa,


Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about your JSS. Job Success Scores reflect a wide range of factors such as public and private feedback, long-term contracts, and repeat ones. You can monitor your Job Success Score on your My Stats page. Check out this guide to learn more about the factors affecting your Job Success Score.


Thank you,


Brandy's avatar
Brandy R Community Member

THe EXACT same thing happened to me. It frustrates me because I put so much time and energy into good customer service, and excellent job quality. 


Brandy's avatar
Brandy R Community Member

My job success score recently dropped down to 75%, now it's at 79% but I have had nothing but happy customers. My only thought is that I did accept a contract, but the client NEVER provided work. I asked for it a few times, then was told it would have to be mailed - I provided a P.O. Box... then was told it had to be a physical address, so I played it safe and gave a business address rather than my personal address. They then said since I wasn't serious, they were canceling the contract. HOW can I right this? I pride myself on my job output and my customer satisfaction - scammers should not be able to tank me.

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