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Terrible UI, keep losing my proposals.

Whose idea was it to have proposals written in a slide in panel that loses all your progress when you click to close the panel to look back at the job posting to reference something for your proposal? 


I have lost a good amount of time to typing out proposals and then having them vanish because I expect the User Experience for this site to be good.


Right now you can even lose your progress for accidently clicking outside of the panel area; at least give me a confirmation box or something if there is content written in the proposal or remove closing of the panel from clicking outside of it and move that functionality to a close icon, please.


This is absolutely a terrible working experience, I shouldn't have to write even shorter proposals in another place for fear of losing everything with no recourse.

Community Member

I know that a lot of freelancers write their proposals in Word or some other program, then cut and paste.

Community Member

You can use Notepad++ for prep-proposal 🙂

Your issue never happened to me though.

Community Member

Yeah, I know I can write somewhere else; I would like not to have to just because there was little foresight; confirmation dialogs for actions that destroy your progress/content are pretty standard for websites these days.

If it's a super large proposal, I have seperate documentation that I just attach because that can take considerable time to write; this is more trying to reply with short questions to see if it's worth a larger effort; some of the proposal response views don't use this slide in panel, some do. 


When accepting an invitation to a job and submitting a proposal the slide in looks to be used, you can reproduce this issue by typing anything in any of the text forms, and clicking outside the panel. Upon clicking to get back to the panel to continue writing, all content is lost.


I'm not interested in replies stating obvious workarounds or about how infaliable you are when using UI.


Your tone implies signs of serious frustration. 🙂 Just saying.

Anyway, I tried reproducing your issue but it's working fine for me. Check the screenshot. I can click wherever I want around it, and my proposal sticks.



No, actually.  As this is the internet, you can not deduce my 'tone' from words that I type.  Just because I express some issue and don't take your **Edited for community guidelines** idea doesn't mean I'm just 'seriously frustrated'.  Take your tone policing elsewhere, thank you.



If you are incensed by havint to use workarounds, you're not going to like working Upwork. Upwork doesn't make a lot of changes to the way things are done, even if there are many improvements that users would appreciate.

Community Member

It has nothing to do with the slide in panel. That's relatively new, and people were losing their progress on proposals right and left long before that reformatting took place.

Community Member

It happens to me too, especially on Surface device, that has touch screen, so if I want to scroll screen, move lid, etc and click outside popup/slide window, it will close window and you lose all you have been writing. Definitely bad UX. Do not make proposal window close unless I want to close it ...

Community Member

I always keep the job open in a separate tab and I also copy what I've written when I'm working on a proposal just in case something goes wrong.


My gripe is that the invitation panel isn't the same as the job description panel. I'll get an invite that will reference a file or image and I have to click on the job listing to see it; then I might also see the additional questions that a client might ask, those dumb pointless question like "what part of this project excites you the most?"

Community Member

I do that too, cause badly designed UI.



Also this GREEN color icon for Payment unverified is also poorly thought. It should be RED / GREY may be.

It can never be GREEN


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