» Forums » Freelancers » Re: How to delete pending Testimonial Request
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Tomoe's avatar
Tomoe G Community Member


Hi, I am new to UpWork, and honoured and happy to be part of this community.


I have worked as a freelancer for a while on other platforms, and this says much about my actual profile and skills... But my profile cannot highlight such experience, because, of course, I am new at Upwork...  So I believe being able to somehow include the feedback (reviews) from the clients from other platforms would be perfect to qualify my profile... I would like to ask which is the best and acceptable way to do so...  


Thanks in advance,


Kind regards,

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Tomoe,


We appreciate you reaching out and welcome to Upwork! We know how important it is for you, as a freelancer, to put your best foot forward with potential clients. That’s why we support testimonials, a way to highlight the awesome work you’ve done outside of Upwork with testimonials straight from your clients! When you’ve done a great job, this is a quick, simple way to showcase it, right on your Upwork profile. Please follow these instructions on how to request a testimonial:


  1. Go to Settings, then My Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the “Testimonials” section.
  3. Click on “Request a testimonial.”
  4. Enter your client’s contact information, including a link to their LinkedIn account. 

Once you’ve completed your part, we’ll email your request to your client and let you know when we hear back. We wish you the best of luck!





~ Arjay

View solution in original post

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Ekaterina's avatar
Ekaterina V Community Member

Hi everyone!

Could somebody tell me how long it usually takes to process testimonials? Today is Tuesday, and my client informed me that they sent their feedback to Upwork on Friday.

The status of the testimonials on my page is still 'pending'.

Based on my previous experience, I suspect there might be some issues with my profile again, because I only saw feedback about my completed work after writing to Support.





Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Ekaterina,


It takes time for our team to process and validate every request, so you may have to wait a few days for the testimonial to display on your profile. You can check this help article for more information. 

~ Joanne
Ekaterina's avatar
Ekaterina V Community Member

Hi everyone!
Today I want to talk about long-lasting contracts and their recognition on the platform and I would suggest some improvements as well.

First of all, I adore Upwork for opportunities it provides and professionalism. But still there is always some space for improvements.
I'm not sure about Upwork's priorities, what is better for the platform. I guess Upwork is interested in metrics that show numbers of completed contracts per month (my hypothesis). And it's a good product-led approach, users should be active in all senses.
At the same time, there are cases when the contract is one and long (mine lasted for 3 years and 10 months, 40 hours per week). Such long collaboration says a lot about the freelancer's reliability and professionalism, doesn't it?
By the way, Upwork got their service fees constantly throughout all this time.

But what we have as the logical income, nothing, no good rate of completed jobs (of course, only one), no badge to celebrate this achievement. I lost the "Rising Talent" badge, because I'm not a beginner anymore and have no recognition from Upwork at all.

Even the feedback about my work wasn't shown at once because of some technical issues until the moment I asked about it from support.

P.S. One recent pain related to Testimonials, my client informed me that sent them to Upwork on Friday. The status of Testimonials on my page is still 'pending". Taking into account my previous experiance, I guess there some issues with my profile again, because the feedback about my done work I saw only after writting to Support 😞

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad K Community Member

Hi Upwork community!


I'm new to upwork. Few days a go I requested testimonial from my past client and he submitted as well. But on my account still saying " testimonial request pending". Can anyone verify and let me know, Is it pending on my client side or is it pending for approval?


If it is pending to my client then please resend testimonial request.


Ioannis's avatar
Ioannis M Community Member

Does anyone know if the client from outside of Upwork needs to create an account on Upwork for their testimonial to be approved and for the process to proceed?

Ioannis's avatar
Ioannis M Community Member

Finally, it works for me after two days. Testimonial approved. Thanks Upwork team!🙌

Safa's avatar
Safa H Community Member

I have my client outside the Upwork with whome i have previously worked, so I have requested his testimonial through his LinkedIn profile according to Upwork policy but his reviews are not mentioned in my profile but according to him he has given me review, kindly do consider my issue ND resolve it.

Looking forward to ur response.

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Safa,


Thank you for your message. We usually review testimonial requests within 10 days of the time your client submits them.  Feel free to message us if you need further assistance.


- Pradeep

Safa's avatar
Safa H Community Member

I am experiencing an issue where client testimonials provided to me through LinkedIn are not appearing on my Upwork profile. Prior to joining Upwork, I worked with several clients who have given me positive reviews. However, despite their efforts to post these testimonials on Upwork, they are still not visible on my profile. I have addressed this concern within the community forum but have not received any responses. I have attached a screenshot. Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Note : I have followed the Upwork policy for how to get reviews from non Upwork clients through their LinkedIn profile but still it seems useless.


 Awiating ur response.

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Safa,


I see that you've recently raised a support ticket regarding your concern. As soon as the next available agent gets your ticket in their queue, they'll contact you to assist you further. 

~ Luiggi
Rita Ogechukwu's avatar
Rita Ogechukwu A Community Member

please, how long does it take to review a testimonial?

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Rita,


Thank you for your message. The Testimonials will be reviewed within 10 days from the date your client submits their testimonial. 


- Pradeep

Rita Ogechukwu's avatar
Rita Ogechukwu A Community Member

Okay Pradeep,  thank you for the feedback.

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad H Community Member


I want to delete the pending Testimonial Request from my account. How can I do it?


Hridoy Hossain's avatar
Hridoy Hossain R Community Member

Hello there,


I faced this problem also. You can contact support. They will remove it.



Hridoy Hossain R.



Ahsan's avatar
Ahsan A Community Member

I use this email **Edited for Community Guidelines**on a different client account but I have changed the email of that account and closed that client permanently because I don't want to use that client account.

I want to add this email **Edited for Community Guidelines** to this freelancer account but it shows me an error. I have attached the screenshot here as well.

Please solve this issue. I want to add this email **Edited for Community Guidelines**to this freelancer account.

Thank You

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Ahsan,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ Luiggi
Ahsan's avatar
Ahsan A Community Member

is he will contact me here or by email?

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Via ticket. Watch it via link provided by Luiggi.

Prajakta's avatar
Prajakta B Community Member

It's been a while that I can see I have testimonials on my proposal at it says pending. 

How long does it take to get approved? 

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Prajakta,


The Testimonials will be reviewed within 10 days from the date your client submits their testimonial. 

~ Joanne
Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad A Community Member


Please cancel this testimonial request because I sent this request to the wrong person. Please cancel this request as soon as possible.


Warm regards,


Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.


- Pradeep 

Zulqarnain's avatar
Zulqarnain A Community Member

While you're new here, you can still show off your experience from other platforms. Make sure to describe your past work in detail on your profile and mention any good feedback you've received. You can also upload screenshots of reviews from clients to your profile so others can see how skilled you are.



Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
Victoria's avatar
Victoria S Community Member

I would be very glad if you could help me!


On May 31, I invited a client who is not on Upwork to leave a testimonial. Unfortunately, he was only able to provide feedback now, two weeks after my request. However, he cannot find the feedback request email from Upwork in his inbox and has asked me to resend the request.


The system indicates that I have already contacted this person, and the response window has expired.


Please tell me, does the request for a review sent to a client who is not on Upwork automatically get deleted after 2 weeks of waiting? Is it possible to extend its validity?


Unfortunately, I didn't find the answer here on the forum. I believe my question needs to be addressed by a real Upwork specialist, but the chat button is not available to me.


Best regards, Victoria

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