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Threads disappearing and moving and smashed together

There are threads that simply disappear (OK, perhaps they are merged and then buried), others that are moved to who knows where, and still others that are "blended" with other threads, rendering them unreadable. It seems that Upwork intentionally engages in these practices to effectively kill the conversations.


If a mod answers, it will be more copy-paste about it improving the community. I stand by my theory.

Community Member

This is true. This makes the discussion very difficult.

Also when merging topics some of my posts look like I was drunk or just an idiot because the context\startpost\question of the discussion is changing.

Community Member



It's weird that they host forums and then work so hard to ensure that freelancers can't use them effectively. 


They're much, much more diligent about merging threads and removing screenshots than, say, responding to a freelancer questioning why they've been denied payment protection.

Community Member

Hello! I am freelancer to book write and contant writing


Your barely there profile says you are an "accountant writer." Based on your profile and comments, you will only be scammed. You need real, marketable skills. If you are serious about freelancing, you need to educate yourself and develop skills. Read this post and learn before you lose money. You are going to have a hard time ever getting a real job here. Develop some skills, or consider something besides freelancing.

There are several errors in these 10 words. Writing may not be the best field for you.

Community Member

I agree with all of this.  The Community has drifted ever downward. It used to be a terrific source of information and assistance. Bless their hearts.

Community Member

Meanwhile, over in the Coffee Break forum, there are 5 different threads on the first page that ask people to share motivational quotes. 

Community Member

Both Upwork platform and forum have gone down the drain. 

Sic transit gloria mundi.

Community Member


I also find it quite strange how quickly images of job posts get removed. Sure, if a freelancer has inadvertently exposed their personal details I get it. But often it's just a job post that is freely available on the site. It's almost as if they want to hide the evidence of scam job posts (as that is often the subject of removed photos).

Community Member

No sooner had I replied to this I found another post that vanished quicker than a flash, I didnt even get to post a reply...


Screenshot_20230628_091931_Samsung Internet.jpg

 the 'freelancer' that wrote this has a title in his profile in a very similar style, then a very obvious chatGPT section! 


Why are they letting these people destroy any remnants of being a professional platform! I remember being berated for having a profile pic that also had my daughter in it, as it was 'not professional' what have we become!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi everyone,


I wanted to address some of the concerns raised. We understand that recent changes have impacted your ability to effectively use Community. We hear you, empathize with your frustrations, and acknowledge the impact these changes have had on your experience.


From this thread, we’ve heard several specific concerns:

  • Merged threads make continuing conversations difficult
  • Removal of scam job post screenshots
  • Lack of responses to platform-specific support questions
  • Frustrations with canned responses


We want you to know that we hear you, and we want to dive deeper into your concerns. We encourage you to provide constructive criticism and share your ideas on what you want to see in the Community. What motivates you to participate? What factors might discourage you from engaging?

Before wrapping up, I'd like to address three specific topics that were brought up:


Merged threads and the removal of posts

We aim to create a space for new and long-standing members to learn, connect, and find inspiration. Our moderators keep things organized and helpful by adhering to the Upwork Community Guidelines, which may involve taking actions like removing inappropriate content. 

Removing screen grabs of scam clients

Per our Guidelines, we do not allow photos that include names of persons or companies in accusations of misconduct, incompetence, or other wrongdoing. However, we welcome discussions on how these scams operate and spreading awareness. 

Not responding to payment protection questions

Due to the public nature of this forum, our ability to provide specific information on payment protection is limited. If a user already has a support ticket, we will redirect them to their ticket to avoid duplication and ensure more efficient assistance from the appropriate team. However, if you come across cases where users need help and have yet to be assisted, please flag the post to a moderator so we can further review it.


We are actively exploring more opportunities to share information that can be publicly disclosed and striving for greater transparency.

~ Avery

I never include any possible identifiers. Nevertheless, all screenshots showing deception, from clients or freelancers, are removed. It is not a matter of identifying anyone. It is Upwork deliberately hiding deceptive practices.

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