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Upwork - when oh when are you going to put word requirements on job posts?

Really tired of seeing job posts like this: 

"Need some help updating our printed collateral with refreshed design and copy."


OK....what industry? b2b or b2c? how many print pieces? What are your expectations on timeframes? 


Upwork please help clients write more substantive copy by putting word count requirements on the job posts. 600 characters or less should do it. You can't submit a movie review on IMDB without writing at least 600 characters, but come to Upwork and you can submit a 12-word job description. Upwork doesn't need more job posts. They need better job posts. 



Community Member

Nobody cares. Pay 22 connects, and if the client likes you, you will have a chance to find out.


This pisses me off too.

Community Member

I don't want the clients throwing words in just to make a limit, or using the very poor chatbot to write garbage.


Upwork doesn't do any vetting or care about the job posts. If there is a problem, they rely on the freelancers to flag.

So you would rather clients write 8 to 12-word descriptions that don't give enough insight into the project to determine if it would be a fit for your skills and experience? 


I didn't say anything about a chatbot, and we agree there. 

Upwork applied payment to posting jobs now. Just ignore that trash and clients will by punished with money. It is little amount for now. But greedy upwork will increase it soon.

I understand your frustration with limited explanations on the job posts. Unfortunately, making a word limit would encourage people to use the chatbots, because they either don't care or it's a scam. Or, they would post the same thing over and over, because there is a word limit now. If a client cares at all about a job, they will attempt to define their requirements.

Community Member

There could be a "post a question" feature where people could anonymously ask clarifying questions and clients could answer to be published underneath the job post. I see this in an online second hand marketplace platform. But this requires heavy moderation which means cost for upwork.


Upworks method is, if you post a garbage job, noone will apply as it costs people to apply. So there's a natural selection process for garbage jobs and garbage proposals.

Community Member

I agree David S M.


And I don't bother applying to such jobs, whether I find them through job search or I am invited to submit a proposal on them.


If Upwork is going to charge me for every effort I make just to get the possibility of a new job from a client, I'm only going to spend time, effort and money on ones where the client understands his/her own project well enough to communicate it well.


It should take as  many words as it takes. Some people are good at being succinct; many are not.

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