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Upwork, would you mind if I talk to a former client about new work he needs done?

It looks like “AI” (aka yet another Upwork algorithm that’s out of its league) is hard at work today enforcing the “all pre-contract calls must be made using Upwork ZOOM” rule. When a former client sends me new messages I see –


“This message was removed because it contained contact information. Sharing contact information outside the contract workroom is against our Terms of Service and can lead to suspension.”


Yeah, Upwork! Your defence of the realm is doing a bang up job impeding my ability to make you and myself money.


What a joke all of this big brother garbage can be.

Community Member

Any good idea will always be spoiled by poor implementation.

Sorry, but when you throw most of your employees out then hire cheap replacements from other competing sites what result do you expect?

Community Member



Did you or the client actually share contact information or do you think Upwork's AI flagged the message simply because it's between you and a former client?

The client initiated a new conversation with me and included contact information so we could have a joint call with a third party.


Upwork's system should know I had a contract with this client back in late 2023. Under Upwork's rules, as I understand them. once an Upwork contract has been in place between client and freelancer they can choose any medium they wish for future communications.

I'm sure the system knows you and the client held a prior contract. However, that contract is completed and it appears the system doesn't acknowledge the prior relationship.


Even though freelancers and clients are allowed to use any medium to communicate once a contract is in place, maybe Upwork says this policy is only applicable per contract. I'm guessing they didn't consider prior relationships when programming the algorithm.

Community Member

Some part somewhere in the system knows, but this problem even exists even when the contract is active and the project is being worked on, but the "emails" are shared in a different message window that doesn't contain the accepted contract.


So as I saidfreelancers to should think what's best for them, no need to "submit" to a marketplace system's failed logic. I would just send the emails as images rather than posting here and wait for support


Some part somewhere in the system knows, but this problem even exists even when the contract is active and the project is being worked on, but the "emails" are shared in a different message window that doesn't contain the accepted contract.


Definitely a bot; no human would be so dumb.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

Yes... I remember a thread where many freelancers talked about the "This message was removed because it contained contact information." message appearing while communicating through an active contract.


It appears Upwork has made its circumvention detection filter stricter so that the algorithm removes all contact information, with or without an active contract, and doesn't recognize prior client relationships.

Community Member


Are you saying that once a job is closed, the client and freelancer cannot communicate through Messages?


"Certa bonum certamen"

That is definitely not true. From time to time previous clients contact me and Upwork has never interrupted those conversations.


That is definitely not true. From time to time previous clients contact me and Upwork has never interrupted those conversations.

Good to hear.


"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

I got the message in a room where the client opened a contract. lol I guess they decided to block sending email addresses in messages without consideration if there is a contract.

Who is "they"? The bots or Upwork management? 😉

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