Aug 28, 2019 11:48:44 AM by Md T
I am facing big problem, after I apply the job its auto close submit check my attatch pic or all notification. Client no hire someone but my apply proposal close. I lost more connect, please help me about it I hope technical team help me soon it.
Aug 29, 2019 07:38:23 PM by Jerónimo A
You only get your connects back if the job was closed without hiring by the client or Upwork closes it for violating a policy. If the job expires, it will also be closed but you do NOT get your connects back, but I'm not sure if there's any way to distinguish these cases from the perspective of a freelancer, except by simply noticing some connects back into your account.
Aug 29, 2019 09:04:14 PM by Avery O
Hi MD,
I checked your account and can see on your Connects History page that you were refunded for those jobs that were closed without hire. I also checked the recent job where your proposal was archived, and the job was closed and can confirm that the client hired a freelancer for his project, and has closed the job post.
I can confirm that if a client doesn’t hire and closes their job post, any Connects used to submit a proposal will be returned to you. However, if they do not close the job, no Connects will be returned. In this situation, we continue to encourage the client to hire or close the job, but ask that you consider the cost of Connects as part of your business expenses.
Aug 29, 2019 09:54:59 PM by Md T
Aug 29, 2019 10:55:41 PM by Avery O
Hi Md,
Thank you for clarifying and I'm sorry that I missed seeing your open support ticket. I checked the ticket, and it looks like the team is investigating this further. Please expect an update on the same ticket thread regarding your concern. Feel free to update the same ticket thread if you have further quesitons, or more information that you wish to share with the team.