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"Enterprise Talent Services" - Do they really want to find "talents"?

Looks like upWork has got now something they call "Enterprise Talent Services


The idea looks promising. But they way how they make a Video Conferency was a disaster. 


I signed up for the meeting and was in time. Then "talent services" manager was late. Then either his microphone was set up bad or there was some annoying noice on the background, so I hardly hear this guy. (But I said to me - ok, this happens, they guy may even not know about it and how to set up his mic correctly).


But then when he asked me a question (If I work as a freelancer or an agency), I answered that it is not a simple question. And I can not answer it with 1 word. I am a Senior Web developer, with experience in belng a Leade developer and Web Architector.

So when I make a relatively small project, I work as a freelance by myself.

When I make bigger project, I find more developers for the project (each project needs its own "dream team"). Of course I discuss it with my client, and it saves him time and money.

But the "enterprise Talent Services" guy - his name is **Edited for Community Guidelines** interrupted me and started to shout. He started to cry at me. Really.  That he does not understand me and just needs an answer to his question.

I tried several times to describe my point in different words, but he continued to shout and cry. So I desided not to continue spoil my nerves.

On my oppinion this person either do not know English enough, and tries to hide it in order not to be fired away, or he has problems with his nerves. 


Was it only me who was so unhappy to met such a rude manager, or is it normal for today's upWork?

Community Member

Hi Vlad,


I'm sorry you had a negative experience with the Enterprise Talent Services. I'm currently looking into this and connecting with the team to make sure the situation is reviewed and proper coaching is done. I also see you've created a support ticket about it, so we'll use it to keep you updated. 

~ Valeria
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