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Client disappeared and JSS

Hi everybody!


Thanks for taking your time to read my problems and questions. I am relatively new to UP. Today I got my JSS and it is 88%. I have 4 finished jobs with 5 stars rating and one open job beacuse the client disappeared, although in messages she praised all the work that I did for her. I try really hard and do my best here on the platform, and  all of my private messages from the clients are very  positive. How come that my JSS is 88%?  And what should I do with the client that disappeared? We agreed to 3 milestones, and only the first one is in escrow, and of course I did all the work. 


Thanks in advance,


Community Member

Unfortunately, UpWorks JSS algorithm is a bit.....screwey. It also takes into account private feedback that you do not see. Also, any jobs where the client did not leave feedback will hurt your JSS too. You are not alone in this surprise. Just search JSS and you will see lots of threads about this very thing!


As for the client disappearing,it happens. Hopefully, you did not surrender all the work yet. If you did, use this as a learning experience. NEVER surrender work that is not already paid for either in escrow (fixed price) or by clocking your time (hourly projects).


You can file a dispute with UpWork, but I would not hold out too much hope that you will ever see payment for this job, unless the client suddenly shows up again.

Thank you very much Tim! ☺ yes, I read some other threads about JSS and I understand algorithm is a bit complicated 😀 I read somewhere about the private rating. I really had nice experience with all the clients, so I don't think there was a bad private review, but who knows. I will not start a dispute. In a way I accepted I will not get the money, I'm more interested in this JSS thing 😀. So I was a bit surprised when I finally got it and more surprised with the number 😅 because I did not know an open job can have such a big impact.

Nw that I have learned how big of animpact feedback (public and private)has on my JSS, I also work hard to get folks to leave feedback. I end every contract with something along the lines of:


"Please remember to leave feedback, public and private on your experience with me. If you feel you need to leave anything other than 5 stars, please let me know first so I can make right whatever went wrong and earn that 5-star feedback!"


This alone took my JSS from a sad 83% to 96% in under 1 month. Now I easily maintain a 90% or better JSS at all times.

Thanks! I will think about including something like this ☺
Community Member

If you did all the work, submit it to your client under the funded milestone using the green "Submit" button on the Upwork project page.


This starts the 14-day clock ticking for your client to review the work and ask for any revisions by you before you are automatically paid out of escrowby Upwork. Your client can choose to release escrow before then, if she re-appears.


You can't take any specific action to improve your JSS. Don't over-promise, always over-deliver and communicate well with all your clients. Your JSS will have to pretty much take care of itself.

Will L wrote:

If you did all the work, submit it to your client under the funded milestone using the green "Submit" button on the Upwork project page.


If I understand the op correctly, only the firstilestone is funded so that is the ONLY work she should submit. Only submit work that is funded. I will not submit work to a client if they have not funded the related milestone. Period.

If thie poster submits work that is not funded, she is putting herself at risk of not getting paid.

In fact, unless I have worked with the client in the past, I typically will not even start a milestone on a fixed price project until the money is in escrow.

Don't make it easy for clients to rip you off.


Thanks a lot Will for your quick reply! I did not know about this 14 days thing. I thought I was supposed to wait until she says I can submit the work. I just submitted only the first group of photos because only the 1st milestone is funded in escrow. But I already sent her all the files in the messages 😀. So yes, this is a huge learning experience. I really appreciate the advice you shared in the last paragraph! Thank you very much! I always try to over-deliver ☺.

re: "I did not know about this 14 days thing. I thought I was supposed to wait until she says I can submit the work."


I never wait.

When I finish a fixed-price task, I always use the official "Submit Work / Request Payment" button immediately.


I do not message the client separately.


The official button actually notifies the client in a very polite, official way. And it presents the client with an opportunity to request revisions if necessary. So if I were to message the client separately, they simply receive redundant messages.


Not everyone works the same way that I do. But I know that many freelancers do this.

Ok, thanks a lot Preston! I will do this from now on ☺ so when you submit the work and then they need something changed, where do you send those changed files? In a message?

re: "so when you submit the work and then they need something changed, where do you send those changed files? In a message?"


You can send changes in a message.


But be sure to ALSO USE THE SAME TOOL.

Go back to the same place, and use the green tool to RE-Submit Work / Request Payment.


Because that button will once again start the 14-day countdown clock.


When the client officially uses the button on their end to request changes, it STOPS the clock. So you need to use the button you YOUR end to start the clock again.

I did not know this! I understand ☺ thank you so much. Truly appreciated!
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