Apr 12, 2020 02:05:04 PM by Muhammad Saad S
Hi there!
I made my id a couple of days before. I don't think it's approved yet. I had 20 connects. I just joined an agency today and now I see I have only 1 when I try to submit a proposal.
Anyone who has an idea of what has happened?
Apr 12, 2020 06:04:00 PM by Joanne P
Hi Muhammad,
I checked, and I can confirm that you are an exclusive agency member. All agency members can submit proposals, and each proposal draws from the agency’s collective balance of Connects. Business Managers can also submit proposals on behalf of any agency freelancer. If you need more connects, please reach out to your Agency owner so that they can assist you.
Apr 12, 2020 07:33:01 PM by Muhammad Saad S
thankyou for your reply.
this means my 19 connects are with the agency and I ask them to return my connects, right?
Apr 12, 2020 10:34:27 PM by Avery O
Hi Muhammad,
I would like to clarify that agency connects are shared with all agency freelancers. In this case, there are no Connects that need to be 'returned' to you since you and the rest of the freelancers in the agency are sharing the agency's collective Connects. All proposals will draw from the agency's collective Connects balance.