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Dmitriy's avatar
Dmitriy I Community Member

Does Upwork round up the hours billed?

Freelancer worked 30 hours and 42 minutes, but upwork billed for 34 hours and 30 minutes. Does upwork round up the hours billed? 

Robin's avatar
Robin H Community Member

Dmitriy I wrote:

Freelancer worked 30 hours and 42 minutes, but upwork billed for 34 hours and 30 minutes. Does upwork round up the hours billed? 

That's a big difference!  Was this a manual entry or via the tracker?  If manual, freelancer has to choose hours in ten minute increments.  

Dmitriy's avatar
Dmitriy I Community Member

No, it's not manual. Freelancer tracked time to the seconds. Is that how upwork works? Everytime you stop a tracker it rounds up to 10-minute increments?

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

If the freelancer stopped and then started the tracker a bunch at something like the 8 minute mark, then they would have only worked 2 minutes out of a 10 minute segment. They would lose though if the client disputes.


Actually, I've noticed that on the minute that you start the tracker, it usually doesn't give you activity until the minute after, so starting at 8 would only give you activity on the 9 minute mark (or 1 minute activity).

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Dmitriy,

The time tracker App takes random screen snapshots six times per hour—once per 10-minute billing segment, you can check this help article for more information. Please check your work diary and see if there are billing segments with low activity. If there are significant portions of the Work Diary with low activity, please discuss them with your freelancer and note that you have until Friday to file a dispute.

Thank you!

~ Bojan