Jan 31, 2023 09:23:52 PM by Simon A
my contract ended yesterday but no money has been transferred what is the problem and is it normal․
Feb 1, 2023 01:02:46 AM by Joanne P
Hi Simon,
The weekly billing period begins on Monday at 00:00 midnight UTC and ends on Sunday at 23:59 UTC, at which point your earnings are In review. Once this review period ends, there is a five-day security period after which your earnings, less Upwork fees, will become Available for withdrawal.
To ensure your client is invoiced automatically and you benefit from Upwork Hourly Protection, make sure you use Upwork Desktop App to log time on hourly projects. By doing so and following the steps outlined in our Payment Protection, a freelancer is taking all of the necessary steps to have their payments covered. For more information about getting paid on your hourly contracts, please check this help article.