Feb 26, 2024 12:30:23 PM Edited Feb 26, 2024 01:11:42 PM by Arjay M
Hi All,
We are going throug some rough time setting up an account with upwork. Since our leads (**Edited for Community Guidelines**) account has been suspended (do not know why). Initially he has been asked to verify the accout which he did. here is the link of the ticket (https://support.upwork.com/hc/requests/45796284) after verification his account started working. But as of yesterday he is not able to even login (account suspended).
We have provided 100% accurate information and setting up an agency but absolutally no idea why account has been suspended. When we tried to open another ticket it says "either account does not exist or already active" which added further confusion.
We tried all the channels but no luck - so we are stuck and wondering what to do next. Please help us to get this issue resolved or atleast let us know which part trigger the suspension so we can correct it.
Best regards,
Sher Ali