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Ibrahim's avatar
Ibrahim E Community Member

Can't send my email for git invites

Hey everyone, I'm facing a really annoying issue with upwork policies currently. When ever I start interview with a client they ask me for an email to send invites for their Git repository and that is completely normal because as developers every git repo has to be private, not public and the only way to gain access is by sending an invite via email.

I tried to send my email but I got stopped by this message
"The message has been removed because it contained an email address or messenger link. Sharing contact information before a contract has started is a violation of Upwork's Terms of Service and can result in account suspension. Please update your message and send it again."

How can I accept a contract without reviewing the code/project? who would do such thing? what if the project was a mess and can't be even edited? Do I say "Oh I made a mistake can you close the contract? I don't wanna work with you". There's no way this is a good approach..

Some people may say that the solution is to put spaces in email or what ever but I'm annoyed that upwork would consider me violating its policies for such a normal thing like that. I never try to connect with a client outside of upwork and yet I can't even send an email after my client ask me for it to invite me so we can start working together.

I would like a response from someone from upwork team please to tell me how to go through this situation.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,


Thank you for sharing your experience with scoping projects during the interview stage. By design, contact information will be removed from messages to avoid discussing work outside Upwork, which is not allowed. However, we understand that this is not the case for you; hence, our technical team is currently finding ways to best accommodate this exception.


In the meantime, if you encounter this situation again, please use our chatbot. It should be able to advise you on how to qualify for the exception. To start a chat:

  1. Navigate to the Help Center’s navigation bar and select the “Contact Support” option.
  2. Choose the “Chat with Upwork” option to initiate a conversation with our chatbot.
  3. Type in a question or topic and click “Send.” The chatbot will provide relevant articles related to your question.


We strongly encourage everyone to engage with the chatbot to access the available support options. Asking for a ticket directly may not provide sufficient information for the chatbot to be able to assist you appropriately.

View solution in original post

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Ibrahim,


Thanks for reaching out! We'd like to confirm this with our team. We'll be sure to provide an update here as soon as we hear back from the team. 

~ Joanne
Md Zubayer's avatar
Md Zubayer I Community Member

I am facing the same problem. I am a Web analytics expert. I need to get access to my client's Google Analytics and Tag Manager access. But I can't send my Email. The only way to gain access is by sending an invite via email. This is really annoying issue. Please fix it ASAP

Seven's avatar
Seven A Community Member

Hi JoanneP,

My issue is till not resolved. This now almost 48 hours. I see your repsones on this forum but they seem AI generated. Are you a real person? 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Seven,


I can confirm Joanne is a real person, I've met her😊

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,


Thank you for sharing your experience with scoping projects during the interview stage. By design, contact information will be removed from messages to avoid discussing work outside Upwork, which is not allowed. However, we understand that this is not the case for you; hence, our technical team is currently finding ways to best accommodate this exception.


In the meantime, if you encounter this situation again, please use our chatbot. It should be able to advise you on how to qualify for the exception. To start a chat:

  1. Navigate to the Help Center’s navigation bar and select the “Contact Support” option.
  2. Choose the “Chat with Upwork” option to initiate a conversation with our chatbot.
  3. Type in a question or topic and click “Send.” The chatbot will provide relevant articles related to your question.


We strongly encourage everyone to engage with the chatbot to access the available support options. Asking for a ticket directly may not provide sufficient information for the chatbot to be able to assist you appropriately.
Umar Usman's avatar
Umar Usman A Community Member

I offer google ads services and my clients always ask for their account audit. For that i've to share my email because there is no other way to get into their account. Then after the audit they decide wheather the will work with me or not. Now the issue is Upwork does not allow sharing email and removes the message containing that. What should i do. I've heared that Upwork recently banned a freelance in the same industry and he was getting access to client account for the audit. Now what should i do. Because i am loosing clients. Also clients don't want to initiate a contract just for audit. Please Upwork give me the solution.

Mykola's avatar
Mykola A Community Member

Not now, it was always. Did you saw rules before?

Start contract then share anything you want.

Umar Usman's avatar
Umar Usman A Community Member

I know, It's now allowed to share email before the contract. However, the Client wants me to audit their Google ads account prior to the contract and needs my email in order to add me to their account. What should I do now?

Umar Usman's avatar
Umar Usman A Community Member

I think I've found the solution:
Read Article: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049608113-Sharing-Information-on-Upwork#h_01HA8ES6M2...


There are two cases when users may share their personal contact information before a contract begins:

  • If users must share or collect information that may include contact information — such as non-disclosure agreements, business licenses, etc — for legal purposes.
  • If users must provide their email address to gain access to a system for the purposes of scoping a project.

In these cases, contact information is permitted to be shared, but all communication must still take place on Upwork.

Tran's avatar
Tran T Community Member

I have the same issues with you. I usually work on Cloud Infrastructure such as Google Cloud Platform. And in the interview, Clients usually ask me to provide gmail to add me to their project. 

Umar Usman's avatar
Umar Usman A Community Member

Hi Tran,
I had the same issue, But I've found a solution. Go to this article and scroll down, you will find a section called Other Exceptions. Read it.

Kalana's avatar
Kalana J Community Member

Did anyone get an exception?

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