Apr 6, 2023 08:58:28 AM Edited Apr 6, 2023 09:30:21 AM by Andrea G
I hope you´re doing well.
This is second time that occurrs to me that I withdrawaled 35.6 USD in my account and upwork puts it again $ 35.6 in my balance account. I should clarify this a new amount. I've withdrawled this the 18 of march correspoding to the services I ´provided to my employeer. On the 21st of March Upworks send me an email regarding a return of a withdrawl retuning me 35.6 dollars to my upwrok account , which in reality I've already succesfully trasnfered to my bank account. I've stated this problem as I contacted the upword forum and said that I could keep the money. After days this happened again, Upwork sent me a notification that the money has been returned and deposited again 35.6 dollars on April the 6th. I have gained 71.2 dollars above the amount that I am earining because of Upwork system error.
I want this error to terminate as this confuses me if this money corresponds to me or to upwork. Also because it keeps rejecting anmd approving my method of payment and i am tired to spend time on this and having to wait for verifications.
Please find attached the screenshots corresponding to the transactions.
Kind regards,
**Edited for Community Guidelines**
Apr 7, 2023 10:56:21 AM by Agustina d
Hi i do not understand anything that it is happening, it is not fair to me that you keep on repeting the same mistake and my bank account settings have to be done all over again.
Apr 7, 2023 12:14:25 PM by Arjay M
Hi Agus,
Thank you for the follow-up. We certainly understand why you're upset and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We highly suggest you coordinate with the team via a support ticket linked to your case and they will surely assist you accordingly. We seek your patience and utmost understanding while sorting this out for you.