Oct 18, 2023 11:36:11 PM by Dhaval V
I am social media marketer. Its very important to me to show my previous clients facebook and instagram accoutns links (managed by me). Is it allowed to share social media accounts link of my previous clients in proposal ?
Oct 19, 2023 01:59:29 AM by Pradeep H
Hi Dhaval,
Thank you for your questions. Sharing social media account links for you or your previous clients on your proposals or messages before accepting a contract is not allowed.
- Pradeep
Oct 19, 2023 03:17:14 AM by Heather H
You need to have permission from your past clients to use their work product as a part of your public portfolio. If you do have permission, then take some screenshots and add them to your profile in the portfolio section. You can also have your past clients film testimonials showcasing your specific work which can also be added to your Upwork profile. There are specific sections on the platform for this. Your own personal contact information offsite is never allowed to be shared until you have an active contract.