Apr 23, 2018 04:14:20 PM Edited Apr 24, 2018 05:20:23 AM by Kristina A
Apr 23, 2018 06:09:37 PM by John K
Kristina, you're between a rock and a hard place so you have my sympathy, but I've done a few website migrations myself, and before I accept such an assignment, I'll request the url of the existing site and details of the new server from the client, to avoid unpleasant surprises if possible. I don't know anything about your client, except that it sounds like he's a middle man since you mentioned his 'end client'. Whether it's fair or not, he's within his rights to cancel the project, in which case you get paid zip but there won't be any negative public feedback visible, although he could still leave negative private feedback, OR, he could give you a token payment and leave you negative public feedback. Either way, you don't want this to continue, so let him know you're unable to complete the job, and let him decide what to do, or if he won't take no for an answer, then maybe there's no recourse but to cancel the job yourself.
Apr 23, 2018 06:13:26 PM by Renante V
@Kristina A wrote:Greetings,
First and foremost, I take responsibility for whatever part of this is my fault. I have been doing this for 20 years and should know better by now.
I'm guessing you forgot to make initial assessment on the site that needs to be moved...
@Kristina A wrote:
is it fair for him to refuse to pay me a dime because I couldn't do the impossible?
I think it's fair, honestly.
If you were able to assess the site, I believe you would have never agreed to do "the impossible".
@Kristina A wrote:
How can I handle this situation without getting negative feedback
I think admitting to the client that you made a mistake and didn't realize the difficulty of this "test" would be a good start. Client's feedback is still up in the air though.
Apr 23, 2018 10:19:00 PM by Preston H
By not re-engineering the site, this client is wasting his time, wasting the freelancer's time, and wasting the time of the would-be visitors to his site.
If the site takes a minute to load because it is generated from slow PERL scripts and text files, who is going to want to use it?
The site could be re-done with LAMP (PHP/MySQL) and it could be a fast, pleasant experience for visitors.
Apr 23, 2018 10:23:22 PM by Preston H
re: "I've put in over 25 hours on this and not seen a penny."
Well, that makes no sense, as you already realize.
That is why freelancers should ALWAYS insist on receiving the input files before agreeing to a fixed-price contract.
I NEVER accept a fixed-price contract before receiving and reviewing all input files.
Apr 24, 2018 05:12:06 AM Edited Apr 24, 2018 05:22:30 AM by Kristina A
Apr 24, 2018 06:04:37 AM Edited Apr 24, 2018 06:08:05 AM by Preston H
This client is ultimately going to need to pay the price for his own mistakes.
But you should think of yourself.
Working 25 hours for no pay makes no sense. Continuing to work for no pay makes even less sense.
If this is a fixed-price contract, you should have ended the contract a long time ago.
In a last ditch effort to get paid, you could tell you client something like this:
"Brian, as you know, your site is large and complex. I have put over 25 hours into this. I am willing to continue working on the project, but I need to get paid for the work I have done so far. If you will release payment of the funded amount as compensation for the work done so far, I will be able to continue working on the project. Or we could close the contract with a full refund and you will pay nothing. The choice is yours. Let me know either way."
If the client does NOT respond to this, then you will use the official green submit button to submit your work (or a textual explanation of the work you have provided to him already). If the client never responds to this, you will receive full payment.
If the client does respond to ask for more work, you will close the contract, with a full refund.
If the client does respond, and decides to pay you the funded amount, then will you will graciously express your gratitude. Then you will close the contract, explaining that you will be able to continue with a new contract after this first contract has concluded completely. Then you will wait until the client provides feedback.
If the feedback is positive, then you will offer to continue working on the project using an hourly contract.
No more fixed-price contracts with this client.
If the client hires you using an hourly contract, you will continue to explain why he should re-do his site using PHP and an actual back-end database. This is something you will do for his sake, to help him. Because continuing to migrate the site in its current format wastes his time and money.
If the feedback is not positive, then you will block the client using your Upwork messenger tool.
Apr 24, 2018 06:11:09 AM Edited Apr 24, 2018 06:11:28 AM by Preston H
A responsible, professional, ethical client does not hire a freelancer under completely false pretenses, by wording a job offer in such a way as to deliberately obfuscate the nature of the project.
Apr 24, 2018 06:27:52 AM by Kristina A
Apr 24, 2018 09:18:47 AM Edited Apr 24, 2018 09:23:08 AM by Petra R
@Preston H wrote:
Zero pay means no public feedback.
Zero pay AND 0 feedback (public or private) usually has a significant negative effect on the JSS
Zero pay and bad private feedback always has a significant negative effect on the JSS.
Kristina's JSS is already very low... if this one goes belly up she'll likely drop below the "danger-line" so just giving her part of the picture is not fair.
Apr 26, 2018 01:56:34 PM by Vladimir S
I don't have a vast freelancing history, but I encountered the same problem before, client convinced me to apply for a second job inline, which I was not so sure about and honestly did not wanted, what I did is I returned the money and excused myself, don't know if it was the right move, but at that time I thought it would be the best solution to solve this situation. Everything can happen and everyone can fail.