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Translation containing HTML-code

I've received an assignment in an Excel spreadsheet, with the cells containing HTML-code.


<p style="text-align: justify;">Hello,<br><br>This text is stuffed with HTML code.<br><br>Translating this is tough without a proper program.<strong>&nbsp;Anyone have an idea how to do this quickly and cleanly?</strong>. Thanks for any help!<br><br>bla bla bla</p><div data-empty="true" style="text-align: justify;"><br></div><ul><li style="text-align: justify;">bla bla bla</li><li style="text-align: justify;">bla bla bla</li><li style="text-align: justify;">Ludy</li></ul><div data-empty="true" style="text-align: justify;"><br></div><div style="text-align: justify;">Translator</div>


Translating this without a proper tool, looks only nearly impossible to me. Unless there's a tool available for such a task.

I have Trados, but there I see all the codes too.

Any suggestions how I can best do this?


Also, I'll want to proofread it later, and it would be wonderful if I could see then how it looks. It has to be offline though. I signed an NDA and so cannot upload the text. How can I do this best?


Many thanks!


Community Member

Hi Ludy. If your client wants you to leave the formatting intact then I can't see any alternative to opening the file in Excel (or possibly another spreadsheet program) and editing the text in place, within the HTML code.


If your client just wants a translated text, and isn't concerned about what form it's in, then you could extract the text like this: 

1. Select all the relevant cells in the Excel worksheet. 

2. Copy and paste to a new text file. At this point you will still have the HTML tags included. 

3, Save the text file and change its extension to ,html.

4. Open the file again, and it should now open in a browser, which will use the HTML tags to format the text, instead of displaying them. 

5. Copy and paste the text to your word processor. 


Alternatively, at step 4, you may be able to open the file directly in your word processor.

Community Member

@Ludy F wrote:


I have Trados, but there I see all the codes too.


 I use Cafetran, not Trados, but I would be surprised if Trados didn't handle HTML...

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